Well that would be it. Boost lol
More active on Bsky lately. Come check out the Starfleet Press Office!
Well that would be it. Boost lol
And I turned not being able to breathe when I’m asleep into lung expanding exercises
Genuinely didn’t even know there was a new Cap movie or that Hulk was back. Or red.
Blank1 is built on Blank2 therefore I can lump it together
Is a fucking insane way to live
I love how this is the thing that informs me Lemmy now has native video support
Just finished playing a DnD game a couple hours ago where I lived out my wildly unrealistic fantasies of being able afford basic necessities. Truly an incredible game.
So many fucking things. This was like 5ish years ago.
I was moving that day as my birthday is at the end of the month and was pissing rain. A friend of mine had said he was going to help me move and we had planned for weeks. Day of he said he didn’t feel like it. Not that he didn’t feel up to it, just he wasn’t in the mood. I had to figure out something literally last second as the landlord was waiting for me to leave. I ended up having to pay an absurd amount of money to get a cab to move my stuff across the city in multiple trips, some stuff getting wet with me being forced to leave stuff outside during trips. Luckily nothing was stolen.
I get there and the keys haven’t been left like the landlord said they’d be. Took 3 hours for them to show up. They refused to text me the wifi password (I was only renting a room). My phone died before they got there.
My computer monitor broke during the move. No use of the PC at all.
Phone won’t stay on when charging for some reason so I decide to walk down the street. By this point it’s around 8-9pm. I pick up some cheap garbage pizza, literally the walkout deal they had because I couldn’t afford anything for my birthday anymore after the cab ride. As I’m walking home I trip and send the pizza box flying. Pizza lands facedown in a puddle.
I start walking home on the verge of tears. Start walking down the side residential street. Some dude walks up and pulls out a knife and asks for my wallet and phone. Say I don’t have my phone, just a wallet and hold out the wallet. He takes it and just punches me in the face as hard as he could and he runs off. I end up on the ground for a few minutes trying to figure out my bearings. I get up to keep going home to call the cops as I was only a couple minutes away. I saw someone sitting on their porch watching. Didn’t say a thing. Just watching.
I get home and see my bedroom door left open and unlocked. No phone. Only one other person was in the house and they were set to move out the next day. I started pounding on the door to give me my phone back and heard movement. I tried opening but it was locked so I kicked it open to see them trying to hide a bunch of shit that they took from my room. I punched them as hard as I could in the throat and then started gathering my shit before kicking them in the ribs, taking a pot of their weed and going into my room.
It was early in the days of legal weed in Canada and the Ontario Cannabis Store website was having issues with its weed. Chief of which was that a lot of their product was going stale or moldy, some with dead bugs in it. The pot of weed that I took from their room was of moldy weed and completely useless.
I didn’t get a single lick of sleep because the one time I did start to fall asleep I woke up hearing my doorknob being rattled and said “I will gladly kill you.” It stopped. They moved out the next morning, I locked the front door and put a chair under it and then passed out.
Listen. I know you said no wrong answers but unfortunately due to the past few decades of the American Political system, pretty much anything is now effectively accurate. Even such things as:
For calling myself gay. My teacher just assumed I was using it as an insult and referring to myself as being terrible. It took a visit to the principals office with the teacher and going “No. Seriously. I am an out of the closet homosexual. Ask anyone in that class.” They ended up apologizing but I was just kinda pleased they were taking it that seriously in the first place.
I’ve been waiting for Mass Effect 4 ever since the ending that shows Shepard as surviving the events of 3. Closer and closer. Granted, the recent Dragon Age isn’t giving me a lot of hope.
You seem to be under the impression that I’m defending the idea of the US invading Canada.
No? I just missed a step in my text a bit. My point was that while the US military is strong and could outright invade Canada with tanks and planes and guns… that isn’t how the war would actually be fought. It would instantly turn to guerilla warfare as normal citizens started weaponizing themselves, crossing into the United States, and being able to carry out attacks on American infrastructure while looking and sounding the same as Americans.
Canada can’t prepare a ton more than it already has but America can’t prepare at all. The infrastructure in America is way too vulnerable and any war with Canada would mean a destruction of American infrastructure carried out by people wearing not uniforms but a smile.
The Eugenics Wars happened with a bunch of genetically modified super soldiers that were created through selective breeding. The term ‘Eugenics’ often just gets used as short hand within the Trek universe for all types of Genetic Modification in general as genetic modification is illegal in the Federation.
You can love and respect someone while thinking that that one belief is really stupid
I completely agree! However, it is entirely irrelevant because the original claim wasn’t that they thought someone was stupid. They said they actively thought less of them and then mocked them for having the permanent mindset of a child. Your point doesn’t cover that level of immature hostility.
You cannot claim to be a friend of someone while openly believing they are less than you and mocking their entire mental state and world view. The behavior is contradictory to what a friend actually does. You are not a friend in that case, you’re just a shitty person who is pretending to be someones friends while (no matter what you say) treating them less than you would treat someone like yourself.
That doesn’t matter at all when you’re actively attacking infrastructure and not people.
And are they just going to start shooting normal people at random? Canadians look exactly and sound exactly like America. The US Military is really good at wrecking a country but who cares when we can cross a border you can’t defend, mingle perfectly and start guerilla attacks against major infrastructure?
This war is not just tanks vs planes and ships vs submarines. This would end violently for America.
Not the part of me that boys are interested in :(
It’s funny because when I know that someone judges someone else over personally held beliefs so intensely that they think less of them, I tend to think less of that first person. We all live lives differently. If they’re not impacting yours, who cares? If they believe in something you don’t, who cares?
You talk about being stuck with the mindset of a 5 year old for believing in something in their own lives. But real adults just live their lives and don’t run around judging by their own personal metrics. Real adults also certainly don’t care when someone runs around saying “YOU’RE A CHILD”.
And yeah, I’m not sorry for that one.
We have read what you had to say. The problem is that you’re making sweeping generalizations based off of personal experience and leaning heavily into some confirmation bias to try and prove your point. Even in saying that it is just Texas, you’re basing it off of faulty logic. You are judging the actions of a group at large by the experiences that you have had with a minority. That is, unless you want to claim that you’ve met the majority of Christians in Texas and they were all actively showing unprovoked homophobia, which isn’t a claim you can reasonably make.
Yeah exactly. There are shitty people on all sides. Some shitty people are gonna capitalize on what they can. That doesn’t devalue the ton of good people who are just trying to live their lives as good people. It’s unfair to judge them by the actions of others within that group. It is just outright discrimination and just… is shitty. I’m not about to sit here as a gay man and scream about being unfairly judged while doing the same thing to another entire group. I’ll pass.
Lemmy is based off of reddit, so fuck Lemmy right?
Japans constitution is based off of the US Constitution, so fuck Japan right?
The Space Program is built off of rockets that were used to kill people, so fuck the Saturn V, right?
Canada is based off of the British so fuck Canada, right?
Nuclear energy came from Nuclear weapons, so fuck Nuclear energy, right?
Chemotherapy came from Mustard Gas, so fuck chemotherapy, right?
I’m guessing no to all of those and the 30 others I can spit out because you’ve got little arguments built up for each one, but here’s the problem. You have to make arguments for each one because your entire stance is nonsense. It’s just “I before E comes after C.” Is it accurate for some things? Yes. Is it accurate for the majority? Absolutely not.
So, yes really. It is a truly insane way to live that is reductive, immature and just openly ignorant about how the world works. You have a one track mind that is so focused on hating something that you utterly and openly reject everything that comes after, regardless of how it might be different. At least, that is what you are saying if you say you reject everything based off of a bad thing. That is helpful for literally no one. Personally? I’d recommend coming at it from a mature angle and actually judging it based on what it is. To not ignore the past, but to also not ignore the future either. You have just decided to paint everything black and white. Grey exists too.
I’m not continuing this because you do not seem to be interested in anything other than the rut-stance you’ve chosen for yourself.