
  • 372 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • There was a Netflix show called Drifting Dragons I started on. Looks super nice, seems decently written. Its about a crewed ship that goes around hunting and killing dragons for their meat and other bits to sell and eat.

    As I’m watching it by about episode 3 I was like… wait a minute, these motherfuckers made whalehunting propaganda and put a thick layer of fantasy anime paint on it. Dropped it right there.

    Edit: FWIW I came to the propaganda conclusion a lot faster with Gate (tldr fantasy warp gate opens in Japan. JSDF blows up dragons with fighter jets) but I still watched clips of the fights cuz that shit was funny as fuck.

  • Does the article state that he was convicted of a serious threat and prove any sort of planning toward implementation?

    It states he was arrested under allegations of it and multiple weapons were found. Pretty damn good indicator. To remind you: If the Appalachee guy (whos actions prompted the numerous threats the cop was following up on) had gotten arrested in a similar way multiple people would still be alive right now.

    being accused is different from being found guilty

    Your point?

    being found guilty of a threat is different from being found guilty of a threat and attempting to carry it out

    So you agree we should get them for threats or threats with follow through. Glad to hear you’ve conceded the argument.

    being found guilty and facing legal consequences is different from being publicly named for doing so

    Ok, and?

    he’s an effing kid

    So were the Columbine guys. Apparently being underage doesn’t stop someone from shooting up a school. I can pull up more underage shooters, I’m sure you can too. The, “Oh its a kid” thing doesn’t hold water.