Tankiedesantski [he/him]

  • 43 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2020


  • Idk how the USSR or it’s republics did accounting, but even under socialist conditions it would be conceivably helpful to account for building construction on a per unit basis because it lets city planners evaluate the relative value of labor and resources being put into a building.

    For example if you have two sites where you can build the same apartment block but one is flat ground and another is hilly or marshy ground, then it makes sense to calculate the amount of labor, additional resources, and specialized equipment you would need to level the slope or build extra foundations on the swamp.

    Lots of companies and organizations also carry out internal accounting where they invisibly pretend to pay themselves and their own divisions for work because it allows management to see where money is being used and how much.

  • dunking on actual children

    You know this is a good loophole. I’m gonna tell you about the time an older student (at least in his mid 30s) argued with the professor for about 5 mins in class about what the author of the assigned reading actually meant to say. The professor, to his credit, tried his best to explain in plain English terms what the article meant but the student just wanted to argue. In the end the professor goes “Okay, look at the article. Now look at the author’s name. Okay, now look at your syllabus and look at my name.”

    Student dude immediately said “sorry” and sat the fuck down. He had been arguing with the professor over the professor’s article all along.

    I have to ask, is this an Anglo nation

    This was an Anglo nation but it would surprise a lot of people to know that many Anglo nations don’t have a written constitution or bill of rights.

  • I won’t tell on the first years because university is a time where you can have dumb takes and be forgiven as long as you learn from them.

    Instead I will tell you about the time I was sued by a sov cit who filed a petition they wrote themselves. It laboriously detailed all the ways in which “I” (he had the wrong person) violated his constitutional rights - how I trampled on his freedom of speech, denied him a fair hearing, seized his property, etc etc - all with detailed references to the US constitution. The problem? We were not in the US, none of the stuff at dispute was in the US, and neither of us were American anyway. Dude straight up did his own research on a different legal system and just assumed it would apply where we were.

  • I think it’s a really flimsy argument tbh.

    Say for example a wife of a PLA soldier has an affair with a married man and they live together, eat together, go on dates together, fuck, etc. The male adulterer would not be able to actually marry the soldier’s wife because bigamy is illegal. I don’t think it would fly for a second to argue that the male adulterer can’t be convicted because the Court would be recognizing bigamy.

    I’m not a trained Chinese lawyer or anything, but if the English translation of “as if” is accurate then there’s a ton of leeway for interpretation.

  • In a conflict between the US and China, the strongest weapon in the PLA arsenal is Tik Toks posted by soldiers’ spouses and girlfriends at home.

    Joking aside, don’t take legal analysis from a rando on the internet just as you wouldn’t take medical or financial advice from them. Most people know sweet fuck all about the law and will act as if they’re god’s gift to jurisprudence.