• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Multiple reasons:

    Higher speed impacts penetrate deep, but also cause the rock to melt. This fills in deeper craters, limiting the max depth a crater can be. There are still very deep huge craters, but these look more like big depressions than craters, because of how big they are. They are also themselves covered with craters usually, making their size and shape harder to see.

    Because the diameter of the moon is 3474km, a difference of several kilometers would only amount to a fraction of a percent. So even though one crater is for example 10km deeper than another, relative to the size of the moon this is practically nothing. When viewing pics like these where the whole moon is visible, this matters.

    The moon is a very uniform gray color and lacks the indicators our brain use to gauge depth. This makes it very hard to guess how deep the different craters are. You can see some craters have more shadows where others don’t, but they are also different shapes and sizes and the lighting is different so it’s hard to see.

    There is also probably some part of the speeds of incoming stuff being within a certain range and the moonrocks being relatively uniform in materials, so the range of craters than can exists is probably limited. But I’m not certain how big of an factor this is and what the range is.

  • Plenty of cats play with toys. My cat a long time ago had a toy rat which he would play with and “catch”, only to bring it to me to present as a prize. Thank you for bringing me a dirty toy you’ve been chewing on. But if I threw it back, he would resume playing and when the hunt was done either he would bring it to his bed to sleep with, or bring it to me. Only thing was when he had the thing in his mouth and he started yelling about it, it sounded like the cat was choking and dying. I told my wife the first time it happened it scared the shit out of me. I came running to save the cat, only for it to sheepishly look at me what my problem was. She laughed at first, till a few days later it happened to her. She went running to save him and then couldn’t stop laughing.

  • It has difficulty options. Where the previous FromSoft games would just lock you in a closet with a boss, whilst flicking you in the balls and laughing at you “Git gud son”, Elden Ring has a lot of stuff to make things more manageable. For example there is summons, in the form of NPC (often with interesting quest lines to get them), other players via online and your personal spirit summons. The game is also completely open. So when you get stuck on a boss, you can just leave and go do something else. Explore the world, go level up, go find weapons, armor and other items to help you. Overleveling is not hard and the world is huge and a lot of fun to explore. The game also almost never locks content behind a boss. You can do a lot in the game without beating any of the hard bosses. If with all that the game is still to hard, then maybe the game isn’t for you. Hard games have a place in the world imho. And if you just want to enjoy the world for the fun of it, I would suggest one of the mods out there to make the game as easy as you want it to be.

    Sure Elden Ring is a tough game to get the hang of, but it isn’t hard at all and provides plenty of difficulty adjustments. There’s also a lot of people that adjust the difficulty in the other direction. For example people that do RL1 runs or limit themselves to a certain kind of weapon. I think it’s cool the game has so many options to enjoy it.