TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)

Hi I’m Tim.

I’m AuDHD - officially diagnosed ADHD and self-diagnosed (for now) with ASD. I also suffer from a great deal of Imposter Syndrome.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023

  • These are companies not people (even though we treat them that way when convenient), and they broke a regulation that is part of their expected operating procedures. Why are we dragging this into court and seating a jury because a company didn’t do the thing they were supposed to do. They should have no presumption of innocence, the inspection is the proof one way or the other. This just lets them further delay any consequences, and will be another thing calculated into their cost analysis of “are we going to follow the rules” or is it more cost effective (at least short term because that’s what shareholders care about) to just NOT ever follow the rules, delay any fines, rinse and repeat?

  • There is a HUGE difference in my mind on what is being debated here, and what the Far Right are alleging. The Far Right is saying that Biden has dementia like symptoms 90% of the time, and then for big things like the State of the Union and now this debate, someone gives him a bunch of drugs and all of a sudden his dementia is 100% gone and he is sharp and full of energy. All the stimulants in the world aren’t going to reverse the stage of dementia they allege that Biden has (or that Trump has - and may well be self treating that way).

    I did a little research of my own to see if any actual studies existed about the effect of stimulants on people with dementia and found, this one and this one.

    The first had the following quote:

    Although patients showed improvements in apathy scores, the authors cautioned that benefits were modest (that could be due to the modest study size). In addition, patients did not show improvements in tests that measure how successfully they complete activities of daily living, like getting dressed and preparing meals. Nor did the drug lead to improvements in tests of memory and thinking skills. It might take longer than six months to observe significant differences on those parameters, or it might also be function of the age of the patients.

    This was also after 6 months, not a pill before “show time”. Also remember that Biden is 81, to much up could turn his lights off.

    The second study found this:

    There were no significant treatment effects on cognition and clinical outcomes, as expected given the short trial duration.

    This study was over 12 months, so double the other and nothing.

    Edit - ugh … spelling.

  • That drug is not being used in the context of the GOP allegations with 100% certainty. Dementia treatment drugs, including that one you linked, are not just pop them before the debate and your “symptom free” and/or all of a sudden a word smith. We don’t have drugs that bring people back to the degree the GOP is claiming Biden is, and trying to both sides this just gives validation to these wild conspiracy theories.

    Biden is old, and that is what people are seeing and trying to both sides. There are times when an 81 year old man is going to be unsure what to do, but it’s because they are old and the world has changed a lot in 80+ years. But we also have Fox and others editing videos, like cropping Biden interacting with a paratrooper so they are out of the frame and he looks like he is facing the wrong way and lost. This is part of their “flood the zone with shit” plan that makes it so we are even discussing this like it’s a both sides issue instead of just Trump being a few years away from being another Regan.

    Edit - autocorrect hates me. 😩

  • What are you trying to point out here? That we have dementia medication that helps keep patients awake?

    If so, that is missing the point of the fact that being awake does not mean “alert” or “amped up” which is what the GOP keeps claiming. They are also stressing that Biden can actually speak in full sentences and convey ideas. He may stumble from time to time, but he is in his 80’s and has struggled with a stutter his whole life. He will also catch and correct himself.

    Trump has the “amped up” part covered with his uppers, but he can’t put together a logical sentence, let alone an idea or “paint a picture” of his plan for anything. He increasingly has ticks and brain skips where he gets stuck and has to just bail.

  • Adderall, if you don’t have ADHD, will act as a stimulant but does nothing to make you smarter or more coherent. It also does nothing for dementia that the Trump team wants everyone to believe Joe has, somehow without symptoms. Trump on the other hand has MANY symptoms of dementia, and appears to be declining quickly.

    Pretending that a drug even exists that somehow Biden could take that would make him alert and dementia free for a debate (or State of the Union) just helps muddy the water around Trump’s decline.

  • To your point, the amount of money/effort to even try and rival YouTube (and/or Google) would be a hell of a task for sure. Since you would want it to be open, well moderated (but not so much that the majority of people scream “censorship!”), and be able to store/encode/serve a wild amount of video daily. And the later 2 things get exponentially more difficult as you scale.

    It would need to be like the Fediverse on steroids, doing a distributed filesystem allowing every federated member to host/encode/serve part of the burden (like Kazaa/Limewire/DC++) but in some manner that people could be assured node hosts couldn’t tamper with videos. And then you would also need some sort of reward for creators that wouldn’t somehow lead to greedy power struggles causing an implosion of your open platform.

    Ah, to dream.

  • behavioral issues and diagnoses such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism and post-traumatic stress disorder. A medical examiner’s report released with the autopsy findings said the boy who died had ADHD, anxiety, migraines and social challenges, including “a very hard time making friends.”

    Fuck this camp, and fuck this kids parents! And fuck all the parents doing this shit to their kids. Sending your kids off to some camp because they aren’t neurotypical is fucking disgusting. And then not any camp, one that locks them up for a condition they have no control over, fucking hell. This is on the same level as all these assholes trying to “convert” or “rehabilitate” LGBTQ+ kids. Leave the kids alone you sick assholes, and deal with your own shit.

    Holy shit! Where’s the Tylenol?* /rant

    • Stolen from Christmas Vacation

  • Lots of feels …

    The dim lights in that crowded room

    They came alive just as soon as

    I saw you

    As I saw you

    What crawls out of a heart like this

    Boarded up I’ve laid my bricks

    But it’s all coming down

    It’s all coming down

    And though tomorrow scares the life from me sometimes

    And though I know what sorrow means in my bones

    And though the rain will always pour

    I would rather feel it all than sleep anymore

    I’d rather feel it all than sleep anymore

    • Dim Lights by Orebolo

  • Well in all fairness to this racist lady, she was trying to drown the 6yr old brother also, but he got away.

    In all seriousness though, you have Trump calling everyone non-white vermun (he says American but his followers know) and how they plan to round them all up Hitler style in November should he win. He even stood behind someone yelling out at his rally that they should start executing “illegals” on the spot. This is only going to become more common place the longer we let dangerous hate language just be spewed by a presidential candidate and his army of puppets, because everything is always “both sides”.