• 163 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • October 21 Prompt - Canon Event Fix-it

    I cannot say with certainty with the folks with created the prompt list intended “fix-it” to mean, but I’m choosing to interpret it as something that would “fix” an event in canon. And I think it would be fair to say that there is a lot of little things about canon Trek that I personally would like to maybe…finesse a little bit. However, and maybe it’s recency bias, if I was king of Star Trek for a day and got to make one big change, it would be Jack Crusher’s whole existence.

  • October 19 Prompt - Decontamination

    I am the gamemaster for an ongoing Star Trek Adventure’s campaign, and for today’s prompt I decided to draw my players’ ship’s counselor, Doctor Irin Ch’Kilress, a character I’ve wanted to draw for a while. Why did I draw a dumpy Andorian therapist for the Decontamination prompt? Because therapy is like decontamination for your mind! But also because I didn’t want to draw some horny ENT decon chamber scene.

  • October 18 Prompt - Captain’s Log

    “Log” might be a generous description of the branch I ended up drawing, but by the time I decided I wasn’t happy with it, it was too late. Also, the positioning of the Jem’hadar makes it look like Sisko hit him while he was on the ground, and if I had more time to fool around with it, I would have arranged him better.

  • October 17 Prompt - Other Trek Crossover

    My favourite Trek comic is The Q Conflict, which featured the crews of TOS, TNG, DS9, and VOY pulled into a squabble between Q and other omnipotent(ish) beings. This was inspired by one of the covers, featuring the *Enterprise, Enterprise D, Defiant, and Voyager. I would love a sequel featuring some other Trek crews, especially the Disco, LDecks, and PIC season 1&2 crews.

  • October 16 Prompt - Section 31

    Do you think we’re going to see William Boimler again in season five? I know not every loose end needs to be wrapped up, but coming to terms with William’s “death” was a significant moment for Boimler, so I hope they get an episode to have him confront the fact that his transporter duplicate is actually alive and working for Section 31.

    Anyways, I didn’t have enough time to colour this one, but I’d like to at some point.

  • October 10 Prompt - Shuttlecraft

    Let’s call this one a work in progress. I decided that the prompt would be a good opportunity to make an updated space burrito truck for my user icon. However it’s game night, so I was drawing in between turns of Dune: Imperium, and thus only got the bare bones done. I will definitely be revisiting this to finish it up.

    Also, going out of town for Thanksgiving – or as we here in Canada call it, Canadian Thanksgiving – and I’ll have limited internet access, so I probably will have to post the next handful all at once upon returning to civilization.

  • October 9 Prompt - Diplomatic Incident

    “It’s a finger trap!” When I was a kid, I thought the end of “The Last Outpost”, where Riker requests permission to beam a crate of Chinese finger puzzles over to the Ferengi starship was pretty funny. In the hindsight of adulthood, it’s pretty silly to think that the Ferengi, even TNG Ferengi, would be so flummoxed by some woven paper cylinders, but it’s still fun to think that there’s a D’Kora-class marauder out there full of Ferengi out for revenge against the Enterprise over such a simple thing.

  • October 7 Prompt - Academy Era

    Did you know that Kirk and Tilly are canonically the same age, and thus probably attended Starfleet Academy at the same time? You do now! I also decided to give them the cadet uniform we see in a couple TOS episodes, including “Shore Leave”, and I’m not sure how well that translates.

    Time went a little long on this one so I technically missed the mark on finishing it, which makes the fact that I don’t think I like it all that much doubly unfortunate. In my head I had in mind a sort of children’s storybook style, but the execution leaves something to be desired. Oh well!