I exist or something probably

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Honestly I was expecting far more downvotes. I posted the video with people like you in mind, who still can think critically are marks without the burden of misinformation and ideology. not being marks.


    By the way, if you think you are not subject to ideology, I have several things to sell you.

    For anyone else reading: everyone is subject to ideology. The moment you think you arent, that is when you are most trapped by it.

  • Yes, all of that is obviously true between shirts, the question is about shirt color, which is almost entirely down to the pigments used in fabrication. In which case it is entirely due to the absorptivity, emissivity, reflectance, and opacity, of the pigment.

    This isn’t an active area of debate, it’s an entirely empirical question or a hard modeling problem per shirt manufacturer. All of this is very solved science, and has become “an engineering problem”

  • If they have identical or close enough emissivity it is directly proportional to heat absorption, as given identical amounts of time in the sun and air flow, temperature will almost entirely depend in absorptivity, and emitted infrared is proportional to temperature^4.

    Black bodies emit and absorb perfectly. These probably all have an emissivity that’s lower than a blackbody, and very close together, while absorptivity is related to the color of the shirt. So this test is actually fairly indicative.