Where are my fellow Giants fans? We need a place too! I’m a total newbie to all this I have no idea how to create one myself :(
Where are my fellow Giants fans? We need a place too! I’m a total newbie to all this I have no idea how to create one myself :(
I thought I was the only person that almost exclusively listened to the radio! I live in an area with a good variety of stations so that helps, I realize some people have very little options when they turn on the radio. I occasionally put on Pandora when I want to listen to a specific obscure genre or YouTube when I’m looking up a specific artist.
I read The Road and it just didn’t click with me, I finished it feeling like it was just “ok.” I think part of the problem was how much it had been hyped up by other readers and how famous it was and I went into it expecting to be changed when I came out, though I wasn’t. I’ll give McCarthy another try though, I have both No County for Old Men and Blood Meridian sitting on my bookshelf and I’ll get to them eventually.
I hope that button gets implemented, that would be perfect!
This is my first visit so I’m still trying to figure things out. I’m on the mobile website right now because I haven’t been able to figure out how to log in on the Jerboa app. Can anyone tell me what “instance” means on Jerboa when you’re logging in? I tried a couple different ones from the dropdown menu but they all said " incorrect login."
Urban exploring (for lack of a better term) with no purpose other than to discover. I live in a city and I’m constantly just wandering around going down streets I’ve never been down or into alleys I’ve never been in or checking out stores I’ve never been to. This is my approach when I travel to other cities and other countries too, I often don’t have a plan for my trip/vacation, I just arrive there and then start to wander and see what I find.