Dad? Is that you ?
Dad? Is that you ?
Wah lese ?
Not to be pessimistic but when you did you last see: 1 - nazi where they belong 2 - French justices tackling the real issue
Your quote state “compared with just 11% nationwide” that lecture chill me. It would be more honest to state “11% nationwide and it’s worst in Texas with 56%” This inversion is really a way to put that awfull stat under the rug
Curious about why maternal death growing nation wide is a not seen has a problem.
Give the man some slack , this is clearly three raccoon in a trench coat what did we expect?
I must agree. But since they claim “few shot” all along the paper and they publish the failure case ( which I rarely see) I tend to believe that this model can do everything they said BUT not consistently. But this is look like a very promising POC for this kind of models
Honestly except for the first sentence i found it very funny.
If you liked windirstat i warmly recommend wiztree ( not sure if open source tho).it’s the same but faster. like FASTER faster
This guy is using the battery and it seem quite a simple setup