Zodiark [he/him]

  • 23 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2020


  • I don’t see the purpose of asking this question when Israel is still extant and capable of surviving while Palestine burns. Israel hasn’t surrendered because they can do this attrition warfare longer than Gaza can hold out, despite any gains or advantages Ansrallah and Hezbollah have over Israel at the moment. Israel and the US are both willing to escalate in calculated and measured ways.

    Considering that Jewish Israelis are 70% of the population, it’s likely that they will stay in the long term. Before Oct 7th, there was already a sort of exodus of Israelis to Europe/US because of lack of economic opportunity, high rents, low wages; reasons people leave their country as it is. Israel is not really stable without US support.

  • I keep thinking it’s theater for the willfully ignorant Jewish diaspora population back in the US and Europe. People in denial often seek affirmation of the counter reality.

    My confusion is that the situation is not obscure anymore that it is impossible to deny unless that unraveling Israel also unravels their personal identity.

    I want to believe that this irrationality is the conclusion and final erosion of a society like Israel that can not achieve its settler colonial ambitions and is now forced to face their ugly crimes instead of letting time whitewash and sanitize it the way the US and Canada have theirs.

    I guess I want to believe that to be the case because the alternative is further escalation.