this is quality Costanza posting, he’d def fall for nofap
death to amerika, communism will win
this is quality Costanza posting, he’d def fall for nofap
i didnt believe the legends either, but her return was prophesied
lol ty. im suspiciously good at channeling my cringy white woman energy
lol didnt know abt this part. ppl on tiktok were talking abt it like it was the biggest trend in South Korea. such a weird deception to be like “look, all the women in an East Asian country that isn’t China are doing gender essentialism but based, we have to uncritically copy them”
yeah 4B blew up on tiktok several months ago
ugh fetterman is such a loser. it could never be the dems veering right that helped the GOP, it was green party voters
o and the libs took 75% of my navy and all my admirals but one :( Penn is landlocked so NY and VA had all the naval bases and shipyards
i think it takes the interest groups that are revolting and determines the states with the highest proportion of those IGs. evangelicals and southern planters are prob why the south joined the counterrevolution, and the petit bourg rebelling caused the northeast and some of the Midwest to join too. Pennsylvania only stayed loyal bc they’re my capital
thanks for the effort post! yeah i tend to build my construction sectors up to the point of having a slight budget deficit. i like to keep my gold levels between 10% in debt and 10% gold reserves. also ive been rushing important military techs bc my plan from the beginning was to spread communism as far as possible.
i didnt know abt the promoting agitators to leader tho! but my trade union leader is already a communist so idk if that would do much. my gov is just farmers and trade unions, occasionally having to add petit bourg to keep gov legitimacy high.
anyways i ended up save scumming. i hit a recession for a couple years and accumulated $30M in debt but then i bounced back, paid most my debt and now im back to unlimited growth
yeah but in the mind of libs 500k Russians have been killed by a cleansing freedom fire
the argument for renewable energy isnt that we should stop using oil, its that we shouldnt burn it. why turn our limited supply of oil into CO2 and water when we can turn it into plastics, medicine, solvents, etc? around 3/4 of crude oil is used as fuel, but if renewable energy was used, the number of oil tankers would decrease by more than 75% bc local supplies would generally be sufficient for industrial, non-fuel uses
the US is rlly gonna keep this quagmire going until every Ukrainian 18-40 is dead. dems being more vocal abt their support is getting fascists like spencer excited. can’t wait for the US to keep losing soft power while losing this war. and the parties are competing with who can be more rabid genocidaires of Palestinians and migrants. can’t wait for the empire to fall
i rlly want to see it. i want it to be a proper musical but it sounds like it’s not :(
is it like the Barbie movie where it’s mostly just scenes that put more importance on the music and only one proper musical scene with singing and choreography?
why does this bot speak in bazinga
“let’s dive into this hematological adventure, shall we?” “no need to call the white blood cell cavalry just yet”
was it trained 100% on reddit
is this theory for liberals?
it’s Islamophobic to call it an “Islamic extremism problem”, without mentioning western intervention that supports reactionary groups.
who do you think is sending the weapons to ? there is very little difference between trump and harris
Lex Fridman?
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