• 306 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 27th, 2022


  • they’ll administer blockers which delay natural changes without causing permanent damage

    This is 100% false. Those “blockers” do cause permanent damage, for example making it highly unlikely they will ever be able to have kids.

    This is what has people so upset about the transition movement, they are making false promises to kids that cause permanent damage before kids a mentally mature enough to weigh the pros and cons.

    Remember informed consent requires accurate information.

  • That is a reflection of the corruption of the judicial system rather then the accuracy of the reports of the election been stolen.

    The judiciary appear to have made themselves susceptible to:

    • Intimidation
    • Bribery
    • Ideology
    • Social pressure
    • Media image
    • Popularity
    • Laziness
    • Lack of intellectual curiosity.

    Whatever the reason, by not hearing the evidence the judicial system in America has proven itself to be broken and corrupt.