ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]

Decaying corpse animated by gay thoughts and too many painkillers

Highly obnoxious, very autistic, weirdly asexual, ask me about my weird interests

I talk way, way too fucking much.

  • 62 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2023


  • I haven’t finished it yet but I think yeah, absolutely. 90s-ass life-slice about an atttactive gay boy who is secretly a human-shapeshifting creature of some form who might actually secretly just be A Gender, mostly it is about his adventures in various body types and presentations, floating through whatever walk of life presents itself. Paul is sort of a stereotypical, slightly judgemental camp gay, but I find him sympathetic in the same way that most of these protagonists (Reese, Wendy, so on) are: abrasive and dejected to hide all the weird identity turmoil =)

    Surprisingly it doesn’t need a ton of CWs thus far either, like it’s still a weird weird book but it’s cool, I find its blend of slightly fantastical elements into the 90s queer nightlife scene to be neato. It’s a funny one.