blight [any]

  • 37 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 1st, 2022


  • Crushposting:

    Crush #1

    Me and Crush #1 shared a cute moment doing some very vague innuendo with harmless equipment, and a tug-of-war where they ended up in my lap and this time it was my turn to ruffle their hair, which they didn’t seem to mind at all.

    Crush #2

    I finally dared to properly bring up Crush #2’s long-distance partner. What ensued was a long, surprisingly calm (but of course with some harsh words both ways) discussion where they admitted they lacked self-control and felt super guilty about seeing me.

    I eventually brought up Crush #1 whereupon #2 assumed my crush towards #2 was merely projection. And then for some reason they suggested to wingman us.

    They kind of lost control and said I would have ruined their life if we got together, and then tried to mock me by telling me their plans to have loud phone sex with their partner immediately after I leave.

    I’m not sure which parts of their story were false or exaggerated to facilitate the pre-break-up, but they showed a wonderful mix of self-loathing and grandiosity. I can’t remember much else of what we said, other than I cried for real for the first time in 10 years.

    Even though we basically only hung out as friends doing friend things, they don’t see that continuing, which is a big shame. I would probably hate being reminded that I “almost” cheated too.

    They said something unclear about going no-contact, but then messaged me anyway. Even though they really hurt me, I still worry that this will send them into a self-loathing spiral, and they’ve attempted suicide before.

    I would ask our mutuals to properly check in on them, but then I’m suddenly suspicious, prompting the mutuals to ask #2 about me, and of course a major thing about their anxiety is that they don’t want to be reminded of me. And I don’t want to provoke a proper no-contact by messaging them myself with something that could be construed as manipulative.

  • Crushposting:

    I worry about Crush #2. Their past relationships were with abusive partners. They say (and more importantly, act like) they feel safe around me, but otherwise don’t dare to go outside much. They self-harm. I worry how they will react if I reject them. I don’t think “manipulative” is the right word for their behavior here, because it’s obviously not their fault, and at the same time I really do care about them and want to be there for them in whatever way I can. I just feel kind of locked. Would I also be torturing them needlessly by insisting on continuing as friends?

  • Crushposting:

    Ok, if my calculations are correct, there are two people who I like who both like me. What the fuck. This should be illegal. This shit barely happens in movies.

    This means I can’t pick one because it will throw a wrench in with the other. And when my calculations turn out to be wrong and I pick the one who actually didn’t like me, the other who did like me wouldn’t (and indeed shouldn’t) be able to trust me. At that point I would fully jokerfy.

    Couldn’t I have met these people a couple months or years apart, e.g. (a crazy example with no relation to anything) the average amount of time a relationship lasts?

    God doesn’t know how to distribute love and then when he does, he does it in a fucking impossible way, what a hateful little bitch.