acktually it should be piss-soaked #1
Your bait of falsehood takes this carp of truth; And thus do we of wisdom and of reach, With windlasses and with assays of bias, By indirections find directions out.
acktually it should be piss-soaked #1
here’s the RSF story they’re quoting: archive | original link
and some similar whining from the china propaganda squad that is now at risk of missing the $1.6 b anti-china propaganda bucks bill that was passed last fall
That picture of him rofl
are you sure it’s not copper? bingham canyon is there and it’s enormous. NV produces the most gold of any state by far
Note the number of Gazans proposed to be ethnically cleansed - 1.8 M. The 2023 population of Gaza was 2.3 M give or take. That is a lot of death. Thanks Biden.
If only the democrats had wanted to win against trump more than they wanted to openly do genocide, but here we are
It would have been such a simple thing - kamala shows even the slightest backbone in the summer against Bibi, do some performative nonsense, then go back to enthusiastically doing genocide after Nov
if I could be an animal I would want to be a beaver. they’re such cool animals, definitely my favorite of keystone species
this video has some cool footage from inside a lodge, including how other animals hunker down in the lodge with beavers in a synergistic way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyNA62FrKCE
Chapo did a good reading series on these delusional eugenicists - episode 682
The link was literally a subredditdrama comment thread. I deleted it for the same reason I’d delete a screenshot of people laughing at bad takes on twitter
If you want to link to an actual story about the matter in question please do. If you want to link to r/subredditdrama again then please put it elsewhere. If there was actual news discussed in the deleted comment chains, then presumably there are better and more accessible sources for the story than a reddit comment by u/fartbox69
If Americans didn’t want to have their personal information stolen by groyper zoomers, they should have merely made the highest bid for the data
Sheinbaum “categorically” rejects criminal alliances
damn I guess she’s ruling out working with canada then heyoo
Luigi notwithstanding, what you’re describing generally isn’t a problem for the bourgeoisie. Or it is a little, but it’s far outweighed by profits.
strategically the US benefits by creating chaos and disaster, particularly in the mid east. it allows easier control of petroresources through divide and conquer. america doesn’t suffer from being next to an open geopolitical wound - other nations do. I don’t think it’s accurate to describe previous US occupations as disasters, at least not strategically.
russia is in a different position - they have invaded a country right next door to them. it is in their strategic interest not to make ukraine a failed state. they still might, but their strategic interests are different.
corrected: right now NATO is losing a war with Russia
On another note, what do the muh Taipei libs think of the American control of Guantanamo?
Here let me summarize their position for you
Do you think that’s apes you’re slurping? Hmm.
here’s an article version of this story. no archive because dropsitenews is good
new zealand must be outdoor cat valhalla