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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • The perspective was “geez it sure feels dumb celebrating ‘independence and freedom’ while sisters throughout the state are being actively oppressed.”

    They know a BBQ is a small thing, they know 12 fewer people watching fireworks won’t make a difference, and they’ll keep volunteering, protesting and voting accordingly… but when you’re struggling to bubble up any feelings of patriotism and failing to find enjoyment in the spirit of the holiday, why participate?

  • Cry me a river. Clinton had a plan to retrain and retool these coal towns your describing into productive green energy leaders and they rejected it because she eats babies and wind farms kill birds, or whatever. They are totally irrational and I’m not going to keep pretending otherwise. The real government failure is lack of education spending and critical thinking skills (thanks GOP) that is going to take generations to correct.

    Edit: I’ll add there are sparks of “hope” in rural america now that farmers are seeing the impacts of climate change effecting their yields, I think they are starting to come around. Probably too late, but it’s something…