More like “known nazi repeats ancient nazi talking points about eugenics”
More like “known nazi repeats ancient nazi talking points about eugenics”
And technically having an IQ that’s 2 or more standard deviations outside the norm makes you neurodivergent, by some definitions of the word. That means everyone who can get into Mensa can be considered neurodivergent by definition.
I don’t use OMV but I do use MergerFS + SnapRAID. Works great so far.
Good thing she didn’t have a gun, she could’ve killed dozens.
This website got me into SweeTango apples and they are amazing for their crunch.
deleted by creator
Libertarianism is Liberalism, classical liberalism specifically.
Interestingly, they list us as a linked instance, so the block is from our side for some reason
The kernel is unrelated to the choice of display manager.
Biology is science. Medical science is science. The lack of robots and computers does not disqualify it as sci-fi.
It’s a piece of speculative fiction asking “what if these medical advances (plus a few new fictional breakthroughs by a genius) led to the creation of a new life?” That’s science fiction.
No she wasn’t. Frankenstein was published in 1818, Percy Shelley died in 1822. She did have multiple stillborn children, the first of which was within the year prior to the initial first draft of the story, plus she blamed herself for the postpartum death of her own mother. Percy helped edit Frankenstein, he wasn’t dead yet.
In what way does taste determine the genre of a work of fiction?
The more accurate, yet not at all funny interpretation
In short, it’s not planned. The work necessary is out of scope for Jellyfin
I thought it defined gender based on the reproductive cell one’s body produces, e.g. the producer of the larger cell is female, the smaller is male.
It specifies that, yes, but at conception. For the entire first trimester, everyone has ovaries.
No, there’s an “Auto” setting on clients but it doesn’t work especially well and doesn’t adjust on-the-fly like the big streamers can.
I do like the member only idea. At least it’ll require that spammers donate before causing trouble and getting banned.
@[email protected], the user in question is @[email protected]. They created an NSFW community, didn’t tag it as such, and have been spamming porn onto the server with missing NSFW tags. 99.9% chance it’s the same bad actor who just got banned. Please ban them and maybe put a freeze on new accounts till we can add more admins willing to ban bad actors like this.
I would also be willing to volunteer as an admin for moderation purposes, if necessary.
I think the correct term is spammed. We’re being spammed by a single new user, who is presumably the recently banned nazi using an alt to throw a tantrum.
I was worried this meant it could program and/or train a copy of itself from scratch, but this is just the basic “copy/paste your own files” case.