Blind geek, fanfiction lover (Harry Potter and MLP). Mastodon at: @[email protected].

  • 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • the fact that credentials go stale immediately upon leaving.

    One of our moderators is also having this problem. Unfortunately, I’m not, and no matter what I do, I can’t replicate it. Once I log in, I stay logged in. So as the admin of the server, it’s quite difficult for me to fix. Could you let me know what browser and version of Windows you’re using? I’m not sure that will help, as I’ve tested on both Firefox and Edge on Windows 11, and stayed logged in for days at a time. But the more data the better!

    about 9 downarrows to get to the the content.

    So once you get to the h1, almost everything up until the content is a link or button. So in NVDA, you can just press n (skip to next block of text) once or twice, and you’ll be there.

    The reason we’re still listed as Alpha is because we need someone to retheme Lemmy, and nobody has had the time or money to find and pay someone to do it. If you think screen readers are hard, try using Lemmy with screen magnification. It’s not ideal. We’ll be remaining in alpha until we can find a designer to work on these issues.

    However, in the meantime, Thunder on IOS and android is an excellent mobile app for Lemmy. There are also a few desktop apps, but none of them are more accessible than the web interface yet.

  • Prophecy approved companion is excellent! It gave me all the feels. It’s both extremely funny, and extremely poignant as the main character learns who she is, what’s really going on, and her intended roll in it all. It’s one of the few series where the reader knows exactly what’s happening from the start, but the fact the main character being slow to catch on isn’t frustrating.

  • Some of the universal contractions require more symbols than the American ones do. As well, some contractions were eliminated entirely in UEB because they could cause ambiguity. Others had more strict rules instituted about when and how they could be used, to make those rules easier and avoid having rules with exceptions.

    Please note, however, that I am extremely biased. The way I learned Braille (grade 2 American, and all Nemeth for math) when I was seven years old is, obviously, the way God intended Braille to be written, and probably how he wrote the ten commandments on those tablets he gave Moses back in the day. Modern changes to it are obviously abominations, and go against the natural order of things. Lucky for me, all of my devices still let me switch to Grade 2 American Braille anyway, so I can ignore this new fangled universal Braille code the kids want me to learn, and shake my cane angrily at them. Okay, Okay, I’m only 36. But that’s how I feel! LOL. If you want the pro-UEB argument, maybe one of the younger commenters who actually likes it can be provoked into an argument…uh…I mean debate. I think maybe @[email protected] uses UEB?

    As for signs, I have seen some with grade 2 Braille on them, especially when they have a lot of information to convey, like on a plaque with fire exit/emergency instructions for example, or in some museum exhibits with Braille information. But stuff like “bathroom”, button labels like open/on/off/start/stop, or elevator buttons, or room/class/office numbers, will generally be in grade 1, even when they could save a few symbols by using grade 2.