• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • The photon front-end looks clean and runs well on both my mobile and desktop. I do agree with another commenter (coolkat, I think) that’s it’s not as cute and unique as the current front end, but maybe that’s possible to change – you did mention that it can have a custom color scheme. Or maybe it’s good to have it clean and polished, I guess it’s just personal preference.

    I appriciate all the work getting done & hope the vegans find this instance to be welcoming and respectful :)

    Oh and if replacing ssds starts to get expensive because of poor optimization, I would be down to donate to the cause. Hopefully a way to fix that issue comes along somewhat soon.

  • I love that approach to creating the world: open ended and educational. Realistic games are such a fun way to delve deeper into new topics – especially ones that can seem a bit dry other wise. Like soil testing!

    I think the multilayered approach works particularly well for the slrpnk genre too, since our ecosystems are complex with many different changing parts that contribute to the whole. Having all of that baked into the game encourages the player to get familiar with all the different ways our environment can be hurt and healed.

    Super cool :) thanks again for sharing your process, I find it very inspirational

  • So this month went by in a blur, my sister stayed with me, and my full time job started up again. I haven’t done much work on my book, but I have done a few story outlines/concepts over the month when ideas came to me.

    They’re probably not stories I’ll ever flesh out fully. It’s still fun to imagine entirely different story concepts and plots. Plus it feels refreshing to soend some time writing and thinking about other stories after being so invested in one particular project.

    This month, I’m hoping to have my new office area set up and do a bit of work on my book. Write a chapter or two and do some editing. Mostly my goal is to keep writing now that I’m back to working full time & getting settled in a new house.

  • Aw that sounds like an amazing journey towards reconnecting with poetry and writing.

    I’ve also found poetry can be much more illuminating than journaling. I think for me it’s that my inner monolog is very rigid & sometimes journaling just repeats those inner judgements whereas poetry forces me to word things differently & in that process I find I have new things to say.

    I hope you keep finding inspiration to be creative this month, would love to hear about how your journey progresses :)

  • That’s a super understandable challenge of writing beyond your lived identity. I would say to base the characters on a specific indigenous group. Heavily research that group, their customs, and their history. Look for first hand accounts. & If at all possible seek feedback on your characters and writing from the groups you are writing about as well.

    Having the characters based on real peope helps prevent them from becomming stereotypes & can help give you the added ideas for how certain situations might be handled by different peoples.

    Good luck on beefing up your outline :) I hope august is a productive month

  • This month was fairly productive for me :) I got another chapter drafted for my book, some new scene ideas written up, & did some restructuring of the outline.

    I’m worried this month won’t be as productive, my moving date is 3 days away, my sister is visiting, & I start work again at the end of the month. Its going to be busy & im not sure how much time ill be able to find for writing.

    My realistic goal for the month is to get my writing space set up in the new house. My lofty goal is to have another chapter drafted & a more structured outline for the first section of the book.

    I’m looking forward to seeing what other people were able to get done this month :)

  • That’s a fair critique. Specific games ive been playing & would have bases to share would be grounded, terraria, subnautica, stardew valley, the long dark, and maybe some others. I want to try and keep it from being all one game to both give it a wider appeal & to encourage it to be more about the creativity of bases rather than just an ad for a specific game.

    I also do think it would be fun to include irl ‘bases’, like the tree stumps that serve as a roly poly base in my back yard, or my car when I convert it to my travel base, or a fun backpacking set up (im going to isle royale this fall, im sure well have some cute ‘bases’). Maybe that’s kind of overly broad? I think it could be fun if moderated correctly.

    I’ll give it some time & see if there’s any more feedback on if it’s wanted or not. Or if anyone knows of exisiting communities that fit what im looking for. Maybe I’ll post in the new months meta post since that tends to get more eyes at the start of the month.