huf [he/him]

  • 13 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 11th, 2021


  • huf [he/him]@hexbear.nettoCommunism@lemmy.mlProtestation
    3 days ago

    another thing to consider, they didnt often have the boss watching them while they worked. yes, the endless chores had to be done every god damned day, but your time was yours to manage to a large extent. want to pop off and chat with your neighbor for an hour in the middle of the day? who’s gonna stop you? who’s gonna look at your timesheet? what timesheet?

  • huf [he/him]@hexbear.nettoCommunism@lemmy.mlProtestation
    3 days ago

    yes, let’s submit our language to the arbitrary opinions of some long dead english gentry idiot, why dont we. never mind how people have actually used the words for literal centuries at this point, we must uphold the bigoted idiocy of the english upper classes!

  • A figure strode to the fissure, no more than man-high yet terror seemed to go before it. They could see the furnace-fire of its yellow eyes from afar; its arms were very long; it had a red [?tongue]. Through the air it sprang over the fiery fissure. The flames leaped up to great it and wreathed about it. Its streaming hair seemed to catch fire, and the sword that it held turned to flame. In its other hand it held a whip of many thongs.

    • man-high probably means two rangar, so about 2m (something like the numenorean average male height). the half in halfling refers to being about one ranga tall.
    • there is a terror aura.
    • it’s not inherently on fire. the eyes look like they’re on fire. the flames (normal flames from a normal fire) dance about him. his hair SEEMS to catch fire (it doesnt).

    this is the earliest conception of the balrog in LOTR, and the only thing it’s missing is the shadow aura.

    there are earlier conceptions of balrogs but they’re much more vague and anyway, they refer to a very different conception of balrogs. or are we supposed to take the depiction of what seem to be flame tanks seriously too? (old version of the fall of gondolin)

  • i dont think arien had a body though. not even one she could put on or take off at will, like the other maiar.

    balrogs were trapped in their physical bodies, like morgoth.

    i think it just looked like a 2m tall dude with a shadow aura, and a lot of heat coming off him.

    edit: yep, arien cast off her body and that’s when she was pure flame:

    Too bright were the eyes of Arien for even the Eldar to look on, and leaving Valinor she forsook the form and raiment which like the Valar she had worn there, and she was as a naked flame, terrible in the fullness of her splendor.

    she had to, cos the fruit ship she was gonna captain was too hot. it would’ve burned her god body.

    • atools, which includes als, aunpack, apack. so you can stop caring about the kind of archive and just unpack it. it also saves you from shit archives that have multiple files/dirs in their root.
    • perl -e / perl -lne / …
    • units
    • bc - a calculator that’s actually good
    • pass - the only non-shit password store tool i’ve found so far. no gui, uses gpg and git to do the encrypting and storage/sharing
    • alias lr='ls -lrth' - so you can easily find the newest file, cos that’s frequently what you want
    • unip - my script to look up things in the unicode db
    • find -type f -exec xzgrep 're' {} + - because xzgrep cant do -r

    oh yeah, and for the shell readline, alt-b, alt-f, ctrl-w, ctrl-u, ctrl-k, ctrl-a, ctrl-e