Hey! Happy Birthday!
Hey! Happy Birthday!
I mean, I’d say a hypothetical AI occurring at some unknown time in the future, which then remakes your exact brain architecture after you long since died just stuff you in a locker and pants you for all eternity is pretty unknowable as well. ;p
It’s literally just Pascal’s Wager but with an “AI” paint job and some racing stripes.
Go ooooooonnnnnn…
Can confirm. Infinite recursive doribo theft caused mass explosions.
You steal my doribos, then I steal your doribos (originally my doribos), then you steal my doribos (originally my doribos, then your doribos, but then my doribos) Infinite loop. Everyone somehow explodes. Check mate, liberals.
Doribo war is a strange game. The only way to win is not to play.
Homey, this timeline… Somebody needs to send an adult.
Interesting article with horrible implications. Essentially using cameras with full light spectrum capability and “AI” parsing to help better identify people through facial recognition. If you have silicone cosmetics to hide your identity, the cameras can tell the difference between the silicone and skin and flag you. So much good we could actually use that technology for, and instead we immediately use it for fascist shit.
Let’s normalize wearing fucking motorcycle helmets. Full spectrum deez nutz, motherfuckers.
Hey now! That was the highest grade copper, stolen liberated fair and square from the highest grade air conditioners! Anyone who says otherwise is a filthy liar! XD
Subscribed. Hopefully you all can teach me how to not brown-thumb everything I put in the ground. XD
Plants are like black magic to me.
What’s the best comm to post guides in? /c/DIY?
Glad to be here! From the comments so far there seem to be quite a few metalworkers around here. Happy to share what I know.
Hi! Thank you! Glad to be here!
Yes I have! There’s been ongoing research on microgravity alloys for a long time now aboard the ISS. Super cool stuff. Because there is no appreciable gravity, sedimentation mixing is no longer possible, and materials only mix via diffusion, which alloys alloying of previously immiscible materials. I’ve read about some really cool materials that have come out of that research with strange properties. Really looking forward to see where it goes. I’ve also read that there is a much finer ability to control crystal growth structures and sizing, which could lead in interesting directions for metamaterial research.
Trying to find an organic, free-range alternative to the old Clorox. The conditions they keep those bleach geese in is abhorrent. Any suggestions are welcome.
Thank you!
I really enjoy smithing, but where I live it is far too hot for my old ass to be in an un air-conditioned shop next to a forge. I’ve got a small machine shop setup in my garage with a mini-split, but no room for the blacksmithing gear. Plus I don’t want to accidentally burn the building down XD