Oh i could have worded that a little differently. I don‘t oppose the use of prescription medication at all. My boyfriend had told me that people micro dose lsd and mushrooms for medical reasons and it helps with anxiety and depression, so i said that that‘s okay. Prescription medication is not an issue at all, self medicating with lsd and mushrooms kinda is to me but i understand how it might help some people.
We actually live in Germany, which is why i don‘t feel like there is a need for self medication. We have free health care. He can get those medications for 5 euros from the pharmacy with a prescription from his mom who is a doctor, so a psychiatrist wouldn‘t even be necessary (imo still necessary but but he has easier access to it without finding a psychiatrist). I understand that it can help and he probably thought it was a way out for him but his circumstances really make it harder for me to grasp.