I’m so old school I have a website: https://nicoco.fr

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • J’avais maté cette interview de lui et le moins qu’on puisse dire c’est qu’il ne m’a pas convaincu du bien-fondé de sea sheperd. (Cependant, je pense que la prison ça sert à rien donc oui, aidons-le à être libéré.)

    Pour développer un peu ce qui m’a pas convaincu, ça m’a semblé être une vision de l’écologie très “vigilante” (le mot anglais) où il se prend pour « un défenseur de la planète face aux méchants humains ». « La planète » en a pas grand chose à foutre de ce qu’on fait, elle survivra. L’écologie, c’est maintenir les conditions favorables à notre survie, tout autre discours est sacrément mégalomanique (on serait investis d’une mission qui irait au delà de ça ? foutaises !). Voilà c’était mon opinion.

  • OK, then it sounds like you need to work this out with Monal devs. Bug reports are usually appreciated by devs, especially if you manage to work out exactly when and how it happens…

    In my experience, Monal has been working great (except when siskin used the account before, leading to misconfiguration of some OMEMO-related stuff).

  • Matrix tries to kill XMPP but the reality is that if you want to self-host, XMPP is much less of a hassle. Also, Matrix is an open standard as in “pay big money to participate in the openness”. https://matrix.org/blog/2022/12/01/funding-matrix-via-the-matrix-org-foundation/

    Membership comes at various levels, each with different rewards:

    Individual memberships (i.e. today’s Patreon supporters):
        Ability to vote in the appointment of up to 2 ‘community representatives’ to the Foundation's governing board.
        Name on the Matrix.org website
    Silver member: between £2,000 and £80,000 per year, depending on organisation size
        Ability to vote on the appointment of up to 2 ‘Silver representative’ to the Foundation's governing board
        Supporter logo on the front page of the new Matrix.org website
    Gold member: £200,000 / year, adds:
        Ability to vote on the appointment of up to 3 ‘Gold representatives’ to the Foundation's governing board.
        Press release announcing the sponsorship
        1 original post on the Matrix.org blog per year
        Participation in the internal Spec Core Team room
        Larger logo on the front page of Matrix.org
    Platinum member: £500,000 / year, adds:
        Ability to vote on the appointment of up to 5 ‘platinum representatives’ to the Foundation's governing board.
        1 sponsored Matrix Live episode per year
        Largest logo on the front page of Matrix.org

  • Anarchists usually think that a lot of murderers actually get away with it in our actual world, be it through war crimes, neglecting sanitary or safety rules to maximise profit; you can extend this list with a lot of legal murders.

    Anarchism definitely does not define a specific rule for what to do with murderers. Different communities might want to handle that differently. They usually think that prison does not solve anything though, and that only the poor get sent there anyway.

    I think a mistake is to think that anarchism is a “feature-complete” view of the world, when it really is the realisation that power corrupts, and that we should keep this in mind when organising ourselves. Arguably, over the long run, anarchist views are winning: institutions that prevent - in theory - crazy psychopath from taking absolute power, churches losing power over our lives, women considered as human beings; these are things anarchists have pushed for, for 2 centuries. This short essay might give you more insight: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/david-graeber-are-you-an-anarchist-the-answer-may-surprise-you