Greetings. I am Riz. I like story driven videogames, libre software, history and philosophy.
RDR2’s ending was one of the most impactful video game endings (atleast for me). I loved the entire story, I wish R* would make games like RDR & RDR2 more often, stuff that actually makes you stop and think at times.
Looking back at this now, I don’t know what to say…
Nvm I just read this. This is some really good news. I’m hyped!
That’s good news. I hope we get a RDR1 remaster, if not then atleast a decent PC port.
This sub had been sitting empty for quite a while. Glad to see some activity =)
Awesome!! IMO Arthur is literally the Legend of the East while John is Legend of the West.
And yeah, an RDR1 Remaster would be dope. But I don’t think we’ll see it anytime soon though :(
Thanks for reading! This particular ideology is analogous to Stoicism in many ways, the term “Cynosuralism” was my attempt at a fancy name instead of “Sociocratic Confederalism”.
I actually did start with the etymology but ended up putting it at the last as IMO the ideology is more important.
The integration of the principle of proportionality with conditional pacifism and the concept of transhumanitarianism were my personal ideas. Beside that, all other characteristics were borrowed from various political philosophies.