Haha I am in Friday. Future is now old man
Haha I am in Friday. Future is now old man
But use correct channels dude. Make a Single post in relevant community on lemmy, mastodon, hackernews, heck even a reddit post. No shame in sharing your hardwork but respect community rules. Side note great project. I will star it.
After the split x becomes (1 and z becomes 1). They can’t be converted to float. I think that’s why. Let me run the code. Edit - Also as you are returning a, b, c from splitter but Python functions return a single object. The a, b, c turns to a tuple. But you are using js syntax I think. So we have to unwrap inside the calculate function.
Now my original comment is not useful but you can try to introduce a conditional to check of the numbers x and z are actually numbers before converting to floats
# Ask user to enter an expression and display output
def main():
expression = input("Expression: ")
print(calculate (splitter (expression)))
# Split expression into components and assign to variables as float values
def splitter (expression):
x, y, z = expression.split()
return x, y, z
# Calculate expression result
# Changes Beginning
def calculate(numbers):
x,y,z = numbers
# Changes End
x, z = float(x), float(z)
if y == "+":
return str(round((x + z), 1))
elif y == "-":
return str(round((xz), 1))
elif y == "*":
return str(round((x*z), 1))
return str(round((x / z), 1))
Not expected SRK, the tax evader, himself on my lemmy feed.
Waiting for a youtube iceberg video to mention this incident
Are goth girls that sweet?
I knew that so coordinate are for my college not my residence
Sorry I will work on it. Thank you
And india is going after youtuber Comedians for dark comedy.
Thanks for adding the bottles shadow
Commit genocide and steal water from deprived communites.
Yeah climate change is going to wreck havoc everywhere.
Nice to have you Karna. Welcome to lemmy. But you have posted on c\news which is a community for world news and not for new users introduction. As you are involved in Audio, Engineering and Artists you can find other communities which better suit your preference. Also you can find community based on location like Sydney and Australia . As this post is in wrong community I would have to down vote your post. But you are free to checkout other relevant communites and post there.
Hope you enjoy lemmy.😊👋
I can’t comprehend how CEO was left to leave on his charter plane after getting arrested in India.
I thought this was about police being a lap dog for the elite
Pp touching sad story. Iam14andthisisdeep
What about fat spicy indian curry tho?