Seonding the security point. It’s probably riskier to use bleeding edge distros because the “old” Debian packages are well cured and don’t have a lot of new issues. And as you said also old packages get security updates. Even in debian.
Been running Debian on my server for 10+ years.
Thanks for the reply! Yes sure and I did that but was a bit irked that the link you posted as a source for information regarding the supercomputing was (sorry) useless.
Anyways thanks for caring :)
That article is useless. Any other reference?
Vanilla OS seems promising. Just released a new version too.
The cats, right?
Aren’t the just rebranding some generic ones that they vetted for compatibility? I heard that somewhere, so take it with a grain of salt.
That guy has the creepiest look. Are we sure this is a date? Or maybe a kidnapping maybe… she doesn’t know yet.
Wait, how do you make the laser pointer travel at the speed of light? I assume it has some mass.
Are you OK Donnie?
I don’t need them to be standing, in fact they won’t be able to. Just do as I say.
I have that VPS and it does what it is supposed to do. Config allows all the things and the rest … Well it’s a root sever.
What’s frp
id like to create a captain of industry community! AFAIK there isnt any in the fediverse. id also be okay with moderating it!
Und wie macht man Ingwer Suppe? Schnell, Ökologisch und billig? Hmm? Genau.
How do you know if its the legitimate gog installer and not some malware?
You can use a valid account if you want.
That does sound rather ominous. The world’s first in something should have a lot of information on it on the intertubes. It’s old, it’s nice,but the first?
It looks like a flat screen and not like crt, unless it is using some lights and a mask to display fixed characters.
Rather compact
Edit: first desktop computer featuring a single chip as a CPU
I’d be concerned if my face looks like this all the time.
if anybody still has one please PM me, i am not fast enough for this game.
Edit: done