Thoughts intrusive, ass protrusive, trans inclusive

Things people have claimed I work for, on the payroll, or are some kind of propaganda agent.

Russian bot: 11

Chinese Communist Party: 6

Central Intelligence Agency: 11

Democrat Party/DNC: 6

Republican Party: 6

Bernie Bro: 9

  • 8 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • “Unlike the Europours, we have so much money! We get paid more!”

    • No healthcare if not working
    • Rarely paid time off
    • Less holidays
    • Less workers rights
    • Most states don’t allow time off for voting
    • Tax dollars go more to bombing people than education of the future workforces
    • No major way of sending donations to political groups
    • Taxes are done inefficiently on purpose to enable companies to get money from doing your yearly legal requirements as a citizen
    • Still tested for drugs on your private time
    • Longer commutes other nations
    • Commutes are often paid by the worker, not the company
    • Commutes are in cars because public infrastructure doesn’t allow most workers to get to work on time or doesn’t have the last mile covered.
    • Cars that cost money to just exist, let alone actually use.
    • Commutes and needing to eat food take time away from the 16 hours “free” from work, meaning people have to cut on sleep or other important self regulations

    I feel so fucking free you guys man we have it good.

  • So I’m now wondering if he would hold onto that until big pharma is off the hook for their role in the opiate epidemic.

    • Get the most lower class Americans struggling for healthcare (dawn of country)
    • Have them stick to their low paying jobs because they have healthcare (Dawn of the 20th century)
    • Get them hooked on opiates a rigged FDA approved of due to the company that made it funded the studies and had them on the board
    • Make them dependent on them when they get injured by buying doctors
    • Now you have a low income addict to a drug. Job fucks him over? Arrest him for homelessness. Police terry stop him? Arrest him for drug possession. He starts questioning how it all happened, “you’re some kinda commie lib hippy, arrest him!”

    Thomas wants liberals in jail, he doesn’t care how.

  • I have tried a seedbox before, but the bottleneck is the last mile of my home internet. I just have a Raspberry Pi 3B+ hooked onto my router via ethernet. I just log onto qBittorrent and tell it to go as I sleep, and turn it off when I wake up. The downloading is done already onto a spare laptop drive I have, and then I watch it via Jellyfin or sneakernet it over to a friend.

    I won’t say a seedbox is useless, I think it’s great, but due to how my living works, it’s not great. I’ve waited several minutes for a few PNGs to download, game updates often take hours. Not even counting how the actual fucking wind slows down my internet, due to the copper wiring being on poles like electricity. And I live in a place with so many windmills due to the natural features of the land creating daily wind storms from 4 PM until 7 AM.

    I really do appropriate the advice however!

  • No it won’t. They’ll just make every case the worse possible way and wipe their hands clean of it.

    They won’t regret one moment of it. Maybe a small migraine but all 9 of the members agreed to have no oversight, no party can get enough to impeach any member of it, and they remain on it until they retire (why give up the ability to construct the entire government of 314 million?) or die in the seat.

    Every single one of them just wants power, this gives them that. Welcome to fascism. We can’t elect any of them, we can’t remove any of them, and they get to state if someone is not bound by law or protected by it. And we’re not even trying to pack the courts anymore.

  • My internet isnt fast enough, My average download speed for the entire place is maybe 18 MB/s, and 0.5 MB/s upload.

    Torrenting helps solve the problem as I can just tell it to download in chunks and then turn it off when I need more leg room on my copper wire internet from 2003 that AT&T doesn’t change.

    I have some of the slowest speeds where 4G Data is a massive upgrade, so when I need to offload some jpgs to discord or something, its faster if I just send them to my phone and upload that way.

  • Wonderful software, easy payment, great rates, but lack of port forwarding is a major fallback. I understand it was due to a very minor chunk of bad actors, but that minor chunk was hosting CSAM and other horrible internet-accessible things, and no way to track what traffic is where, means they had to remove the feature for the 98% of good faith users.

    But I almost refuse to use AirVPN’s software. It’s so… weird. I’m thankful they support wireguard with zero issues, so I can just use the default network manager and apps for Linux/Android, but that client interface is so backwards compared to Mullvad and iVPN.

  • “I don’t think it’s defensible,” said Daniel Lucey, an infectious disease specialist at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine. “I’m extremely dismayed, disappointed and disillusioned to hear that the U.S. government would do that,” said Lucey, a former military physician who assisted in the response to the 2001 anthrax attacks.

    In 2019, Trump authorized the Central Intelligence Agency to launch a clandestine campaign on Chinese social media aimed at turning public opinion in China against its government, Reuters reported in March. As part of that effort, a small group of operatives used bogus online identities to spread disparaging narratives about Xi Jinping’s government.

    U.S. military leaders feared that China’s COVID diplomacy and propaganda could draw other Southeast Asian countries, such as Cambodia and Malaysia, closer to Beijing, furthering its regional ambitions.

    A senior U.S. military commander responsible for Southeast Asia, Special Operations Command Pacific General Jonathan Braga, pressed his bosses in Washington to fight back in the so-called information space, according to three former Pentagon officials.

    By summer 2020, the military’s propaganda campaign moved into new territory and darker messaging, ultimately drawing the attention of social media executives.

    In regions beyond Southeast Asia, senior officers in the U.S. Central Command, which oversees military operations across the Middle East and Central Asia, launched their own version of the COVID psyop, three former military officials told Reuters.

    Although the Chinese vaccines were still months from release, controversy roiled the Muslim world over whether the vaccines contained pork gelatin and could be considered “haram,” or forbidden under Islamic law. Sinovac has said that the vaccine was “manufactured free of porcine materials.” Many Islamic religious authorities maintained that even if the vaccines did contain pork gelatin, they were still permissible since the treatments were being used to save human life.

    The Pentagon campaign sought to intensify fears about injecting a pig derivative. As part of an internal investigation at X, the social media company used IP addresses and browser data to identify more than 150 phony accounts that were operated from Tampa by U.S. Central Command and its contractors, according to an internal X document reviewed by Reuters.

    Facebook executives had first approached the Pentagon in the summer of 2020, warning the military that Facebook workers had easily identified the military’s phony accounts, according to three former U.S. officials and another person familiar with the matter. The government, Facebook argued, was violating Facebook’s policies by operating the bogus accounts and by spreading COVID misinformation.

    The military argued that many of its fake accounts were being used for counterterrorism and asked Facebook not to take down the content, according to two people familiar with the exchange. The Pentagon pledged to stop spreading COVID-related propaganda, and some of the accounts continued to remain active on Facebook.

    Nonetheless, the anti-vax campaign continued into 2021 as Biden took office.

    Angered that military officials had ignored their warning, Facebook officials arranged a Zoom meeting with Biden’s new National Security Council shortly after the inauguration, Reuters learned. The discussion quickly became tense.

    “It was terrible,” said a senior administration official describing the reaction after learning of the campaign’s pig-related posts. “I was shocked. The administration was pro-vaccine and our concern was this could affect vaccine hesitancy, especially in developing countries.”