ratboy [they/them]

  • 26 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • I mean, I didn’t not think of that but I’m not a computer geek and even if it was second hand, I don’t know what a good choice would be, whoch is why I turned to you fine folks. The laptop I had that worked just fine (til I dropped it) was an hp 840 g3 with a broken Webcam that seems to have been released in like 2012 lol. It actually ran cult of Lamb okay, surprisingly. Lil laggy but got the job done

    I also never get new shiny things and this would only be my third laptop since but you’re right, risking breaking it would bloooooow. I’ll look into the ThinkPad, it will probably blow my last laptop out of the water

  • Look at the venue website to see what is/isn’t allowed inside, and whether or not they require a clear bag or not. Since it’s Flaming Lips I imagine it’ll be a big outdoor amphitheater. Bring layers if it gets cold at night. Maybe bring ear protection. If it’s inside, absolutely bring them. If you have lawn seats for an outdoor show, could be a good idea to bring a blanket to sit on.

    Food, drinks, merch will all be expensive. Think like $5 for a bottle of water, $12 for a pint of beer that probably won’t be a true pint, $40 minimum for merch.

    There will be a LOT of people. If it’s in indoor venue I’d expect to be shoulder to shoulder with people unless you’re towards the back. If it’s outdoors that won’t be as much of an issue, but you could get caught in big crowds milling around concession stands and getting back towards the concert area.

    If you’re below 5’ 10", there will ALWAYS be the tallest mother fucker in the venue standing directly in front of you lmao. It’s like Murphys law. Don’t be afraid to snake your way through the crowd to get a better view. If it is packed shoulder to shoulder, I’ll look for the biggest gap and use my hand to gently touch people’s shoulders and say “excuse me” as I try to move towards the front and that’s been good enough to get people to let me through.

    I think the people will mostly be chill, probably over 40 if I had to guess. Probably some old hippies on acid or whatever lol. Have so much fun!

  • Seeing stuff like this ig post just reinforces to me that when people say “Anarchists and Communists hate eachother” it really just means that Anarchists hate communists lol. Most people critiquing the post come with actual thoughtful responses and information…whereas a lot of the people defending it just seem to be moving goalposts, posing gotcha questions, uttering American anticommunist talking points and just completely side stepping the fact that the post is OBVIOUSLY speaking generally about Marxists, yet they argue that its about “specific groups only”. Like if I were someone who knew nothing about communism, my reaction to the post would be “I need to steer clear of tankies” and not go much deeper than that. Super harmful imo and it sucks because I feel like there is much more in common between communism and anarchism foundationally than not