snapped her cap back
snapped her cap back
My Snickers!!!
And I agree with all your points 100%, Democrats do not fight for Democracy with near as much intensity as Republican have fought to destroy it, and there are quite a lot of voters who value the projection of brute strength over diplomatic informed intelligent logical arguments
I mean, it’s a logical argument, all except for the fact Trump has been on his knees servicing Vladimir Putin for the past 8 years, whilst Joe Biden has been giving Vlad bloody noses through Ukraine since Russia invaded.
Republicans vote for Trump, who is friends with Tyrants and Autocrats because they’re the only people he understands, and respects.
The dry composition of the atmosphere is mostly nitrogen and oxygen, It also contains fractional amounts of argon and carbon dioxide and trace amounts of other gases, such as helium, neon, methane, krypton, and hydrogen
We make is simply by calling it air
same as it does for us all
It’s not “ironic”, it’s a calculated disinformation strategy, headlines/stories focusing on the “koooky” hypocrisy miss the determined effort to undermine the body politic.
Our media is awash in a sea of neverending small tiny journalistic malpractice for paychecks, and a public that thinks this is insight.
After a lifetime of rebuying “cheap” ($30 to $80) color inkjet printers every two years or so, after the print heads get clogged up beyond the printers ability to clean itself, having ink cartridges go bad, being bullied by printer companies to use their far more expensive inks rather than 3rd party more affordable choices, I made the move a year ago to buy a black and white laser printer.
There was a sale on at Amazon at the time, it wasn’t a printer company I was familiar with PANTUM, but the laser copier plus an additional 1600 page toner cartridge was $99. It’s not multifunction (i’ve got an old non printing inkjet in a closet I bring out for scanning if I need to), it’s only black and white. I only print i dunno, 10 pages a year, and it’s perfect. I’m interested to see how long it lasts, but it sits in a little furniture cube, I take it out, print, put it back. I think I found a life hack. Fuck Cyan forever.
people who can’t handle cursing have emotional and mental disabilities, you should seek professional psychiatric assistance
Members of America PAC realizing they signed up to be victims :0
replace undecided voters with antisemites, and you’ll have this meme dialed in
Joel : shoot em in the head Ellie : got it
the antisemites have to be clearly and succinctly told this, you see
still “going high” playing by maques dequeenbury rules, when the other sides out here with switchblades taking kneecaps
It is absolutely a grown voting age persons fault that they decided to become a Nazi because their father is a Nazi
do androids dream of electric sheep?