• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Thanks both of you (I hope @[email protected] sees this answer directed at him, too) . You do seem to have a lot of fun with Prestidigitation^^ We have a kender bard and a highelf mage in the party, both very attuned to mockery, so I believe my GMs sanity might be endangered if the Fighter starts something like that as well^^

    I do have an Intelligence of 14 mind you, I’m not dumb, just ugly (CHA 9)^^ I can use the echo as cover, but more cover is always better, right? even more so as it’s my duty to protect my spellcasting brother. He’s rather feeble but very smart - he can see through the cover that the goblins think is solid.

    Something to think about.

  • Mind Sliver

    sounds cool! My GM also gave me your consideration - I don’t profit from more attacks, which is true, but! I’m only using a longsword and shield, so I do D8s of damage, which is also how Booming Blade scales, so I’m “only” missing out on the +4 Strength Bonus (currently). Plus I intent to regularly make use of the extra damage Booming Blade gives by disengaging via echo. At least in my mind.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to be smarter than what you suggest (I can’t - I’m a noob), I just use the opportunity to check wether my plan would work in the first place.

  • I totally forgot to think about utilities, thanks. also the site is awesome, thanks for that as well. We have a kender bard and a highelf mage in the mix already, so I think they’ll be much better at creative magic use and I don’t want to “overdo” it (I heard magic in Dragonlance is rather rare). My Inteligence is 14 though, mind you.^^ It’s that dangerous middleground where you feel smarter than many (and like to show it), but aren’t anywhere near the really smart people. Roleplay potential yay!

  • I played lots of forbidden lands and quite some dragonbane. Undoubtedly dragonbane is much more heroic with the aforementioned death saves, hitpoints and conditions. Bear im mind that damage taken while down (from an aoe-monster attack or a stray fireball) is an automatically failed safe. In my experience you can absolutely play it gritty, dark & challenging, just by giving less opportunity to rest & be on friendly grounds. You could even homebrew-temper with the death saves, die after 2fails but recuperate with 5successes, or leave them out entirely. But gain a bit of experience with playing as intended. Characters do die, by no means less often than in fbl.

  • I found it very useful to not think about percentages of given price, but the actual situation the hagglers are in. Once a peddler-pc wanted to buy some iron and rent a smithy to craft something and wanted to pay with a gold piece (I placed some that were minted in Glethra - as a plot hook). Unfortunately, there wasn’t much the smith could do with a gold coin, so It took our peddler a successful manipulation roll to get the equivalent of 7 silver in rent and iron. Dalb, fully aware that the PCs had no torches and inside weatherstone was dark, asked double the price, if not more.

    Remember there is no economy in the Forbidden Lands (yet?), so favours and goods in demand will be common. Also let them know that there is a point where coins become heavy ;)

  • Going lemmy is the right thing, it’s the better product without big-corp envolvement and brings social media back their owners. It has of course not the refinement of an app that runs for 12 years. But everyone can help improve it, since it’s open source. But since reddit is open again I expect things to slow down here (until reddit goes full twitter again and the next wave of protesters arive. we’ll see)

    I used to run Forbidden Lands excessively for several years now. Kinda moved on to new games, but still play Bitter Reach and one campaignless hexcrawl.

  • theLazyPragmatic@lemm.eeMtoForbidden Lands@lemm.eeWolfkin
    1 year ago

    Yeah, I get the comparison with disney movies, but that’s not the case. It can get goofy at times, you need a gritty/dangerous game to counterbalance. I played Dragonbane recently, playing a mallard that gets enraged easily is fun - until you fight demonic corruption & deadly manticores. I played a game decades ago where little 15cm faeries where on the table as playable characters. sounds disney, too, but I asure you - eyeballs are no tiny target in this case. The setting was also rather dark, but I can’t remember what it was called.

    Bottom line - to each their own, I guess. You’re not missing out if you remove the wolfkin as playable characters or sentient society as a whole. Would be a different story with goblins and halflings, they will become important in a later campaign.

  • theLazyPragmatic@lemm.eeMtoForbidden Lands@lemm.eeWolfkin
    1 year ago

    Disclaimer: the world you paint for your players is yours. You must choose on which parts you adhere to the book and in which part you don’t. You can’t adhere to everything, it will lead to incongruencies. TL;DR: it’s your game and each version of th forbidden lands is different. All I can give you is my thought. Conflict only drives a story in an interesting manner when it is resolvable by various means. If the kin were indeed as hateful towards each other as depicted from time to time, we would just play Warhammer. I myself find groups more interesting that are mixed. In one I play an Orc (and quite enjoy speaking imfrofferly), but one that realised that infighting got the orcs nowhere - not only need they cooperate among themselves but also with the other kin. But I digress… Anyways, being able to talk to others is paramount for this endeavour.

    I’m also very fond of atypical kin-choices, even if most FbL-Kin have a neat little twist. I kinda wish there were mallards in this game, too^^ The technical limitations for forming proper syllables are there, no doubt, but I personally are quite willing to handwave it in order to create a heterogenious (and hopefully interesting) group with their own set of tensions. There’s other things that I would disregard, or think about disregarding - slave trade, in my eyes, makes little sense in Ravenland, for example.

    That Wolfkin and Mallards are able to communicate with humans - could be some kind of magic. Much like that wolfkin (and/or mallards) exist and that halfling babies…. do what they do.