the_post_of_tom_joad [any, any]

Sooner or later they’d get me for one thing if not for another…

[But if] a fellow ain’t got a soul of his own, just little piece of a big soul, the one big soul that belongs to everybody, then…Then it don’t matter. I’ll be all around in the dark – I’ll be everywhere.

  • 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2023


  • Dem voters only know what they are told to know by the boob tube and right now they know ‘china=bad’ trump=no more vote History is meaningless to them, everything happening is divorced from previous events.

    They know also, because they have been told that by agreeing with the tv they are smart, that disagreeing is only for people who don’t have all the info, or are dumb/racist. They don’t want to be dumb/racist so they agree and defend the TVs lies as their own, as they have been convinced by this trick that their very intelligence is on the line.

    It’s pretty sad, cuz i don’t know how to move one from this headspace. I think maybe those types need to come to some kind of revelation on their own before they can be radicalized. I wish i could do it, because (i think) if those types ever did realize they had been played for fools their absolute fury at this would help communism grow.

  • I think you’re absolutely right on that. There are plenty of those who call themselves allies who are actively hurting the community with bigotry and simple ignorance. I have a friend who loves and wanted to adopt a currently cracking transmasc kiddo (part of extended family) but his… ridiculous TERFish beliefs might end up killing this poor boy. I think i got through to him but I’m not sure. If anyone has stuff on fluidity or like ‘dysmorphia for dummies’ i could use some help explaining just how important it is to be in the right body and shit before he hurts them or their relationship irrevocably.

    That brings me to my next ramble. I wanted to share after reading your post headline that i got to feel like “part of the community” by way of bigotry for the first time since i “joined” y’all. I came out as ace to my therapist and also that friend i mentioned who both told me (in so many words) i didn’t know what i was talking about… which was super whiplash for a cishet presenting white man in his 40s. Like damn dogg, being believed was a noticeable privilege to lose.

    I can’t help but wonder how much of what i thought was privilege was my simply holding an opinion of the privileged. It was never mine, i never got anything from it but the illusion of comradery. i was fooled by the proximity to privilege, because the opinions i used to hold just didn’t challenge the privileged. i was allowed in the room but i was played.

    I dunno if I’m saying this right but you feel me?

    Ramble aside i can’t wait to see what other fun lessons i shall learn tasting this rainbow.

    Anyway now i have a more visceral understanding of that flavor. Bitter baby, bad. Extremely annoying and bad. If i were a younger man these people questioning me would make me question myself kinda bad.

    Maybe its cheesy but the upside of that experience made me feel solid dairy with the community for the first time.

    Anyway i was all over the place but if nothing else sticks i am again asking for your support in that i would love good material focusing on the importance of acceptance by peers/parents when a trans kid comes out. Thru won’t get it from their family, if they get it from anyone it’s gonna be him. Believe it or not, my dumb-ass friend is both thoughtful and receptive to me, but he’s coming from the dumbest place imaginable and i would really love some help from the trans perspective as i can only guess what it is like.