Hello guys, I’m curious about this meme, is there some literature where I can find someguides to test this? Thanks.

You wouldn’t pay for 4k Netflix and then download a Chromebook recovery image in order to extract the aarch64 widevine com blobs and then patch in support for 16k pages and then apply miscellaneous glibc compat workarounds and then spoof your useragent, and install a browser extension to unlock HD resolutions, to legally watch media in only 1080p

  • idk837384
    123 days ago

    I listen to 128kbs regularly you might just be an audiophile 😭 not that there’s anything wrong with that

    • @[email protected]
      123 days ago

      Oh no, apologies, I didn’t mean to cause emotional damage! I realized way too late that the thread was discussing streaming while I was going off in download for archiving, so I deleted the whole thing. I’m confused how it still ended up on your screen!

      Anyhow, i guess it depends on your system, but… you might have a point, I might be picky. It just sounds so obvious to me, but that’s my ears and doesn’t mean anything about your ears. You do you, man 😅

      • @[email protected]
        1 day ago

        Lemmy deletion just doesn’t work very well. I can see it too even though I didn’t have the post cached. I wonder if different instances cache whole other instances’ posts and comments…