
Researchers at Harvard Business School and University of Toronto used unique data to quantify the value of open source.


  • Supply-side (cost to recreate) is ~$4.15B, but demand-side (value to firms) is $8.8T. Shows massive cost savings & productivity boost from OSS.
  • If OSS didn’t exist, firms would need to spend an estimated 3.5 times more on software than they currently do. OSS provides a massive, often invisible, productivity boost.
  • A tiny fraction of OSS developers create the vast majority of value. Only 5% of developers are responsible for over 96% of the demand-side value
  • Firms should not just “free ride” on OSS but actively contribute to the ecosystem, as this is far cheaper than recreating the software themselves.
  • Amoxtli
    5 days ago

    Open source has a permanent place. Corporations value them.

    Google. - Kubernetes. - TensorFlow. - Go. - Angular.
    Meta. - React. - PyTorch. - GraphQL. ...
    Microsoft. - VSCode. - TypeScript. - Playwright.
    Netflix. - Chaos Monkey. - Hystrix. - Zuul.
    LinkedIn. - Kafka. - Samza. - Pinot.
    RedHat. - Ansible. - OpenShift. - Ceph Storage.