While Education and Organizing is building the parts for a new engine the rest of the year.

  • cmhickman358
    1 year ago

    I am fine with being thought of as immature for refusing to vote for a man who is actively funding and supporting a genocide. Sure, Biden is “less bad” than Trump, that goes without saying, but are we really settling on “less bad than Trump” as our only qualification to be eligible for the President of the United States? Especially in the case of, again, ACTIVELY FUNDING AND SUPPORTING A GENOCIDE? So go ahead and think of me as immature, but I won’t be the one with the blood of the Palestinians on my hands, that will be all those who decide that “less bad” is good enough for them.

    Also, who said anything about not voting? I will be proudly be voting for Claudia De la Cruz, an actual leftist candidate who coincidentally is actively campaigning against the ongoing genocide. If the Democrats want to have leftists vote for them, maybe they should stop running right wing (which Biden and the Democrats actually are thanks to our outrageously shifted Overton Window) candidates and platforms.