• cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Pure delusion. The US cannot wage war without total air dominance, that’s literally their only real strength (on land at least) and what props up the whole rest of their otherwise mediocre army, but Russia has the best air defense in the world, literally designed specifically to counter NATO. The US would lose its airforce over Ukraine and would then get bogged down trying to maintain impossibly long supply lines from their mainland while Russia is fighting right across from their own border simplifying logistics, and logistics is what ultimately wins a protracted war.

    There is no question about this, NATO cannot defeat Russia on Russian soil or right on their borders, just like Russia cannot possibly hope to defeat the US on its own mainland or push deep into central/western Europe. It would ultimately end up in standoff long range missile strikes with a risk of going nuclear.

    The US and Russia both know this, which is why there will be no NATO intervention in Ukraine unless somehow the last rational people in the Pentagon are pushed out by neocon lunatics.

    • Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Russia cannot invade USA on their mainland alone, that’s accurate, but it can level and decimate Europe, Eastern and Western alike.

      • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        They can cause a lot of destruction for sure, but i’m not sure they would have a very easy time rolling ground troops into Berlin or Paris, nor would they ever want to. The Russians have absolutely no desire to fight WW2 all over again. Been there, done that.