As a disabled, immunocompromised person living in make-believe no-Covid world amid revolving door poverty, an active genocide and increasing eugenics campaigns globally I am finding less and less reason to continue Being. Tell me how you’re doing it, dear reader, so that I can make living in unending despair at all bearable.

  • Right now is one of the best times in history to be part of a vulnerable segment of the population, in terms of being able to find people who respect your humanity and will treat you as a person wotlrthy of living and respect. We’re not the majority yet, but we’re more and louder than ever before.

    • Mardoniush [she/her]
      8 days ago

      As the state becomes less able to help the marginalised despite public opinion changing, people step in to fill in the gaps. People like us. Like some kind of dual power or something.