it’s my go-to order for Indian food. its vegan, delicious, and cheap! i need to learn to make it myself tho bc i crave this stuff way more often than i can order food

me and my gf had a chill night with our puppy eating and watching tv. we started watching this cartoon called miraculous. it’s super cute and is kind of a magical girl genre but it’s a French cartoon. one of the minor antagonists is a rich girl named chloe bourgeois

  • ReadFanon [any, any]
    8 months ago

    Here are two recipes for channa masala that I can attest to:

    And for a more Anglo-friendly version:

    You really can’t substitute amchur for anything else, except for similarly exotic ingredients like maybe sumac, with the expectation of getting the same end result so I’d recommend going to the effort of hunting it down.

    Most of North Indian cuisine that you would be familiar with is just variations on the exact same method so if you watch a few cooking tutorials you’ll get the idea of how it’s done and you’ll be able to expand to a whole lot of dishes from that point on. It’s a lot like stir frying - there’s the basic techniques used and the order that ingredients get cooked in but really the only thing that changes is quantities and in the ingredients themselves (e.g. snake beans vs lotus root); channa masala is one simple step away from something like rajma masala - the technique is identical, you are just using a different bean and the quantity of spices is slightly different.