• redhorsejacket@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Anecdotally, I’d say that this depiction is in line with how I feel my ADHD symptoms present themselves. Now, I don’t typically have all of these things going at once, per se, but I will definitely queue up a series of attention sinks and bounce between them as soon as my brain loses interest in the topic being discussed. It’s why the TikTok/YouTube Shorts format is so dangerous to my productivity, as it constantly delivers novel entertainment in bite size doses. If I’m medicated, and mindful of my behavior, I am able to shut out alternate attention sinks and focus on one at a time. I guess it’s kind of like tunnel vision. That has a negative connotation, but it’s super helpful to me since, left to my own devices, I have trouble regulating which stimuli to focus on.

    Ymmv, of course.