Also [email protected]
And every time I see you grin, I’m such a happy individual
but it shipped, didn’t it! Looking at you pippin.
This is the kind of story I was hoping to hear in this thread.
Did you enjoy it at the time, or was there a sense of it not being a great console? I know that we were much more forgiving of janky games back then, so it’s hard to look at it fairly from 2025.
At least until he makes a break for Portugal, down 'ol South America way.
Hey, don’t sell yourself short. You’re worth at least twice that many sacks of potatoes.
Determine if the relationship is having a negative impact on you, then either 1) assess why it’s hurting you and if there’s anything to adjust about how you’re processing it, or 2) protect your mental health by setting up the boundaries that you need, cutting off as a last resort.
Be cautious about asking this online though. People are tribal about politics and have zero investment in your IRL relationships, so you may see lots of rationalizing of cutting off a lifelong friend, family member, spouse, etc without much nuance. Only you have the proper perspective to determine what you’d be sacrificing and if it’s a net positive.
I’ve been using one for the last couple of years, and same. I have a much better feel for what certain heart rates mean for me now - when I need to get moving, when I need to sit for a bit.
They were there, waiting for you!
For as much as I played Super Metroid back in the day, I’m not sure if I ever completed it. I should fix that.
Yes, it’s considered good sportsmanship to immediately resign if your opponent en passants you, so the game should end there.
I feel like I’m still learning a lot, but my elo has stalled a bit too. Just going to keep at it.
Sounds like the cop handled that situation well, and that this guy and everyone else would’ve been safer had he stayed in jail.
Love it. This deserves a name.
“Ryedaft’s Robot Paradox”
Yes, definitely. It has to be that they’re all using the exact same engines and methods or something.
I met a guy like this once.
This is an excellent meme format
I can’t imagine what it would look like now. I just wish everyone could experience the same incredible growth.
VR is the one thing that feels similar to the old generational leaps to me. It’s great, but I haven’t set mine up in a few years now.