According to the debate, they had their reasons. But still – when one hundred and eighty six nations say one thing, and two say another, you have to wonder about the two.

    • Angry_Autist (he/him)
      2 months ago

      No I will NOT fucking let you end it on this. The whole ‘meat leads to food scarcity’ is absolute twenty year old rancid bullshit filled with the insidious corn kernels of deceit.

      We throw enough food away untouched to feed every single hungry person in America twice over, our food scarcity is entirely artificial.

      Are you aware that the U.S. government forces farmers to let food rot to keep prices sable?

      Do you magically think that if we stopped animal agriculture tomorrow that food will magically become cheap for the needy?

      No it won’t, because the government will AGAIN AS IT HAS EVERY YEAR just order more farmers to not sell their crops.

      This is why we hate vegans, it isn’t just about your empty moral self-superiority, it isn’t just your poorly thought out but loudly shouted schemes, it’s all that added to the fact that you actively go out of your way to find disinformation that appeals to your values, and then choose to believe it regardless of any outside facts.

      I cannot even begin to relate the contempt I feel for people who actively forward disproven ‘knowledge’ with zero regard to its accuracy.