As human rights groups continue to call out war crimes committed by the Israeli military, we speak to the only U.S. diplomat to publicly resign from the Biden administration over its policy on Israel.

We first spoke to Hala Rharrit when she resigned from the State Department in April, citing the illegal and deceptive nature of U.S. policy in the Middle East. “We continue to willfully violate laws so that we surge U.S. military assistance to Israel,” she says after more than a year of Israel’s war on Gaza.

Rharrit says she found the Biden administration unmovable in its “counterproductive policy,” which she believes has gravely harmed U.S. interests in the Middle East. “We are going to feel the repercussions of that for years, decades, generations.”

    1 day ago

    “I don’t think you can defend inaction regarding genocide”

    have you stopped paying taxes that are funding Israel?

    what is your defense regarding your inaction by rejecting your complicit funding of genocide?

    “…within months by historians and other civilians, without a doubt that what was happening was genocide”

    close, what happened was people started paying attention because the executions and bombings were happening more frequently than usual.

    anyone who was aware of and understood the history of Israel’s colonization of Palestine for the past 50 years and they’re complete Power disparity agrees it was and is “without a doubt” a genocide years before 2023.

    it’s just that most people only recently started paying attention.

    “they knew very well.”

    Yes, this is what I said. it invalidates your next few assumptions:

    “I think the conclusion should be that the relevant parts of US gov are either weak and careless, either exceptionally naive and old, or! there is something malicious that has been happening”

    these are the simplest and most comfortable conclusions for someone unversed in politics to imagine.

    blame it on simple, fundamental tragic and all-encompassing character flaws that you importantly don’t imagine apply to yourself, storybook infirmities that simply need to be remedied and then all of history and politics can be swept aside for a beautiful future, in which every world leader clasps the hands of every other.

    something that you can point out and say “well that isn’t me, that isn’t a problem that we’ve all contributed to, this is the out of touch portions of my government”

    but this isn’t a unique situation, this isn’t the only genocide currently happening, genocides don’t occur are allowed to continue because of carelessness.

    this is another terrible situation among countless others, all of which are important and complex, that is not happening because the US government has some fundamental climactic “weak”, “careless”, “old” or “naive” flaw.

    not least importantly because the US government does not have the power. you imagine it to have over other sovereign Nations.

    as for your hopeful reasonings:

    If they were careless, they would have believed the initial assessment and fabrications of Israel, sent US soldiers in and destroyed the rest of Palestine.

    If they were weak or naive, they would have buckled under the first campus protest and stopped providing all aid to Israel.

    if they were old… well, the government official you are likely most familiar with is old, but experience is not something to be discarded or sneered at.

    these are fanciful single remedies that are irrelevant to the the complicated historical reality currently unfolding.

    “there is something malicious that has been happening”

    yes…Israel is concluding a genocide.

    nefarious? not anymore so than it has been for the past 50 years.

    Israel’s military superiority and support of US interests is valuable. despite their most recent actions, it is still valuable.

    that assessment is not made carelessly or naively, and support for and departures from normal US policy regarding Israel and Palestine are not being made by weak people.

    “throwing away all ideas of discussion”

    you sure scribble down a lot of ideas for someone throwing away all ideas of discussion.

    “you sure like to ad-hominem the other commenter”

    their comments and ideas, not the “commenter”.

    I don’t fault people for their ability or level of reasoning, but I do fault their presentation of unconsidered whimsical invective, baseless personal attacks and lack of respect for context, sources, facts and discussion.

    particularly if they forget or ignore what the point they are supposedly responding to is, or respond to facts with demonstrably false assumptions or attacks they don’t bother to even briefly support with evidence or logic.

    I agree that I could be more gracious in the likely event that their inconsiderate attacks or ignorance or disregard of the facts can be tied directly to their fundamental personal abilities.

    I have been thinking about this recently.

      1 day ago

      “you sure like to ad-hominem the other commenter”

      their comments and ideas, not the “commenter”.

      reading your comment makes me feel like I’m watching you eat glue while pinning a ribbon on your own chest for best “stick-to-ut-ive-ness.”

      that was such a shockingly useless and ignorant answer.

      how do you come up with something that off the mark?

      Bullshit. You’re completely unnecessarily and unhelpfully attacking the commenter with remarks like that. At least have the guts to own up to it.