after avoiding a civil war while abolishing slavery in the early 50s, i hit socialism in 1877. 3 years later the petit bourgeois, evangelicals, and southern planters got so mad that were enacting “protected speech” that they revolted. im rlly pissed and am going to pull a Sherman. i have a communist 4-star general, but the libs took some of my biggest, strongest generals. my economy is in the dump rn but my capital state Pennsylvania will keep me afloat. i have a bigger army bc of conscripts and am building 100 barracks to outnumber them 4:1.

this just happened right before the revolution

unfortunately the Communist Party fell apart with the revolution and the communists (including Karl Marx, who moved to the US 10 years ago) joined with the “People’s Party” which is led by an ethno-nationalist representing the yeoman farmers.

thinking about returning to an autosave

  • bumpusoot [any]
    4 months ago

    Oof, I always hated how the revolutions tended to take your centralised states and leave you with nothin’. I do the same as you in terms of construction sectors, though I still have no idea if it’s the right choice.

    And yeah the exile and promote agitator actions are fun. I only discovered recently if you have Secret Police you can also try to kill them.

    Uncritical support for the save scumming, it’s frequently the way to keep a fun campaign going.

    Whoop to the endless growth, max that GDP and living standard. Big spoons for all stalin-spoon