Over the years, the original Star Wars films have been subject to many changes and additions. According to Lucas, the original cuts have been lost to time. Well, sorry George. We the fans cannot let that happen. This is the story of how the fans saved Star Wars.

This is Part I in a new series I’m creating documenting the fan preservation of the Theatrical Cuts of Star Wars. This episode focuses on Laserdisc Bootlegs.

This bought back some memories. I remember downloading the TR47 bootlegs which were really good copies for the time.

  • pwnicholson@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    There are definitely people who care about those differences. There are even a few actually changes in footage, making some 1.1

    Go look at some of the sites that cover all the changes

    When articles like this talk about people who are worried about preserving the original they mean original. There are a bazillion copies of the VHS version out there.