I’m mostlyhappy with my job, the benefits and pay are relatively good. however, I’m becoming more and more disabled and I’m not sure how much longer i can do it. and that scares me, because I’m not skilled enough to replace the pay I’m getting here (custodial) or the pension.
I put in my 2 weeks the other day. It lasted less than 8 months but they were miserable ones.
I don’t have any alternatives lined up yet, hoping to switch into something devops.
It’s fine. Could be better. Could be a lot worse.
Eh, its fine. I get paid OK, I work remote full time, health benefits are good.
I’d like more pay of course, and a better structure around what I actually do (I’m considered a specialist, so I’m on… Everything). I’d have to leave consulting for manufacturing or direct to corporate to do that though, which comes with its own issues in both cases.
I’m not.