Kanye West has been sued and dropped by his talent agency after he posted a stream of antisemitic abuse, put T-shirts with a swastika on sale in his online shop, and was alleged to have described himself as Hitler to a Jewish employee.

Last week West, also known as Ye, wrote a barrage of antisemitic posts on X including, “I’m a Nazi … I love Hitler”.

The swastika T-shirt was placed for sale on the website of his fashion brand Yeezy, with the product line “HH-01”, assumed to be code for “Heil Hitler”.

Shopify, the company that provided the online platform for Yeezy, has now taken the store offline, stating: “All merchants are responsible for following the rules of our platform. This merchant did not engage in authentic commerce practices and violated our terms.”

  • Refurbished Refurbisher@lemmy.sdf.org
    29 days ago

    There are people who legit do not care about any other person than themselves. This isn’t a question of legality, but morality.

    The question you have to ask is “who do these actions benefit the most?”

    Harriet Tubman absolutely cared about other people, otherwise she wouldn’t have done what she did to help free slaves or advocate for women’s sufferage.

    How much did Robin Hood personally benefit from stealing from the rich and giving to the poor? If he was truely selfish, wouldn’t he have kept all the riches to himself? Sure, he got fame and notoriety, but I think we all know that riches = power, and it has always been that way ever since large civilzations began.

    Also a counterpoint: Following the law does not make you just if the laws you follow are unjust laws, especially if they hurt other people. The obvious example here would be Nazi Germany. Nazis were just following orders, and anyone who rightfully resisted their regime were severely punished. Were the people who resisted bad people? Were the people who followed the law good people?

    Now, take someone like Trump. Has he ever done something in his life to benefit another person over himself? Has he ever made a sacrifice in service to another person? I’m not counting tit-for-tat corrupt dealings here, but genuine actions of kindness. What about Elon or Zuckerberg?

    • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
      29 days ago

      I do t know why you’re trying to explain to me how someone with ASPD could be “good” or “bad”…

      That’s the point I’ve been trying to make, at least you got there I guess.

      Just super weird you’re acting like you’re explaining it now

      • Refurbished Refurbisher@lemmy.sdf.org
        29 days ago

        You’re missing the point entirely. I’m saying the people I’m labeling as “good” don’t have ASPD, whereas the “bad” people I listed do.


        Your definition involving legality does not match up to the medical definition of ASPD, which is defined by morality. I think you’re getting confused because people with ASPD are often times also criminals, but the medical definition is not simply “a criminal.”

        From the link above: “Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental health condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. People with antisocial personality disorder tend to purposely make others angry or upset and manipulate or treat others harshly or with cruel indifference. They lack remorse or do not regret their behavior.”

        Now tell me how Harriet Tubman had ASPD given that definition.

        Or if you prefer the DSM-5, it’s on page 659: https://archive.org/details/APA-DSM-5/page/659/mode/1up

        I think you’re getting hung up on that first point (A1), but three or more of those criteria must apply to be able to diagnose ASPD.

        • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
          29 days ago

          Now tell me how


          I’ve sunk a lot of time trying to help you against your own will.

          I know you think talking like that is a “slam” and that you’re winning an argument, but no one else is arguing. I’m trying to help you, and you’re getting an attitude like that

          The only reason I’m replying again, is a hail Mary that you at least realize acting like this doesn’t mean you “win” when someone stops replying…

          It means someone wrote you off as a lost cause.

          And I bet you think you “win” a lot, so it was worth typing that.

          • Refurbished Refurbisher@lemmy.sdf.org
            29 days ago

            Says the person who didn’t engage on the substance of my post, but instead is attempting an ad hominem attack while downvoting because you disagree. Sure sounds like you lost the argument here, bud.

            Note how I didn’t downvote you until you posted this, now that I understand that you are not arguing in good faith.