Link posts from appear to be previewing the Cloudflare captcha challenge “Attention Required! | Cloudflare” prompt instead of actual content.

What it looks like (two examples - this seems to be a consistent problem for thetyee):



What it should look like (a different post):

My guess is that the rich link preview is generated in Lemmy’s backend, and Cloudflare thinks that the IP address of’s host is full of bots.

No educated guess on the solution, though, but I’d guess that other Lemmy admins have seen sort of thing too.

  • Avid
    28 days ago

    Yes but people can put whatever info in the title, thumbnail, etc. so I imagine the previews are more about convenience than accuracy. I think accuracy is handled by the voting system first and moderation second. There are likely corner cases I’m not considering so yes, there likely would be concerns about that either way. I’m just thinking about it from a low-cost compromise perspective.

    Yeah for sure they do and they have large pools of IPs that cost money we probably don’t want to spend. They also likely can directly talk to CDNs and IP list providers to allowlist their IPs. :D I used to work for a bit at the VPN side of a security company and the struggle for clean IPs was real. AWS solved that but it was very expensive compared to metal in smaller DCs.