Nice to see a platform like GOG becoming so proactive these last 12 or so months (or, more so than they were previously)

With so many new initiatives (or in the case of the Dreamlist!) - re-imagined ones!

Dino Crisis and the sequel weren’t my kind of games, even being made specifically for modern hardware. I’m too young to have the nostalgia or patience for the so called ‘tank controls’ of the old days. But I still bought them to support the initiative. I’m just one of those poor fools waiting and hoping for a modern sleek remake, like the Resident Evil games were blessed with!

STILL, so nice to see this billboard in a prominent space! Nice work, GOG.

    5 days ago

    As a long time fan of Dino Crisis, an an avid hater of the REmakes for ditching the fixed cameras for generic, now over-copied over the shoulder camera, I am hoping Dino Crisis gets the “REmake treatment.” It makes me smile to see it so prominently featured in this image.

    Dino Crisis differed from Resident Evil in that it was not truly a Survival Horror game. Capcom knew this from the beginning, as it was marketed as “Panic Horror.” In other words: “Action Horror.” The perfect genre description for the REmake games starting with RE2.

    Survival Horror requires de-emphasis on combat, actively encouraging the player to choose to NOT get in combat (through severe item scarcity or boring combat mechanics that feel unfun to engage with). A third person over the shoulder camera inherently emphasizes combat by making the player want to engage in combat because they feel like they have greater control, and it is more fun. This is why I always say RE1 already has a perfect remake and should be left out of the “REmake treatment.” RE1 is purely Survival Horror, and was not intended to be like a “hollywood action movie” like RE2 and beyond. Dino Crisis, on the other hand, always leaned more into the action side, starting about midway through the original game, and then really almost getting silly in the sequel. Which is why an action camera like the REmakes have would be perfectly fitting to the action focus of the game.

    We don’t talk about Dino Crisis 3. It is unfortunate that the Sep 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center happened so close to the games development, as that was the single reason why the game was completely rewritten to take place in outer space. I mean, it was a tradgedy that should never have happened regardless, but still, you hopefully get what I mean.

      5 days ago

      The first remake is better than any other game in the series I’ve played so far, and I’ve played most of the mainline games at this point. It’s not the best because of its camera perspective, and I think it would be actively improved with an over the shoulder camera like the recent remakes.