I don’t think this is a good idea, there is a reason why it was established in the first place. I don’t think you know how pervasive US propaganda is, there are several news (propaganda) outlets that are specifically targeted toward mainland Chinese people on the western internet, they are directly run or funded by governments or Falun Gong. (Examples: Voice of America China, Epoch Times and many more)
The firewall doesnt only exist as a misinformation countermeasure, another big reason is countersurveillance.
Vietnam has no such firewall, as such, our people are accustomed to fighting Internet reactionaries. There are 2 types of reactionaries:
The loud, in-your-face ones. They will openly express their hate towards our government, the Chinese government, and Communism. They will openly spread misinformation (either deliberately or because because they believe in it) to smear their ideological opponents. The Vietnamese people laugh at their face. We do not respect them and we do not heed them. As a result, they are mere annoyances, not that dangerous (ideologically speaking).
The subtle West-loving liberals/“arachists”/“leftists”/whatever-you-call. This type do not openly oppose government policies. Instead, they will hide behind the mask of politeness and subtly mix facts and lies in order to twist our understanding. They walk the thin line between truth and misinformation, legality and illegality. The Vietnamese people generally don’t guard against this type, because they aren’t obvious enough to notice. This type requires actual actions from our establishment (such as police investigations) to counter.
Also, type 1 usually loves Trump and type 2 usually stands with Biden.
Anyway, white reactionaries aren’t really interested in our online space. There are a few times the Vietnamese netizens and American netizens interact is when an English YouTube channel made videos about Vietnam (the topics are usually either the Vietnamese economic miracle or the Vietnam War). Fights usually happen between American rightwingers and Vietnamese in the comments, the results is usually the American comment being ratio’d. And that was Vietnam whose population is but a small fraction of China.
As for China, instead of suddenly open the gate for YouTube, Facebook, and the likes to flock in, I think it is safer for them to expand their already existing social media (Bilibili, Weibo, etc) to the English language. To be more precise: They should add foreign languages to the platform the Chinese themselves use (like how YouTube and Facebook do), not creating an “English fork” to separate Chinese from the rest of the world (which is what they already did).
Any good sites you would recommend? I read www.vietnamplus.vn and I quite like it.
why would you let chinese people access to the depraved western internet? bully communities, discords of travestite nazis who hate lgbt people, imageboard culture, NFTs and reactionary caves?
I’m praying for this for years.
It’s literally the most satisfying thing that could happen on the internet, after all these years of westoid cancer at every single corner: China bad, disgusting nazis, racism, whining about communism at every turn, looking at everything from westoid perspective, justifying genocides and colonialism and all of that happens even when nothing about politics is mentioned whatsoever. It’s so tiring to watch based people 1vs10 against idiots in comments when they try to push back against this.
Just imagine the backup as they literally bury these idiots with facts and internet finally stops being western dominated hellhole.
It is difficult to “brainwash” people against their perceived material interests. People are “apolitical” because they benefit from the status quo. There are plenty of Chinese liberals within the mainland who are allowed to benefit from the current system as they interact with it in a way that is overall beneficial to the dictatorship of the proleteriat but if there are narratives that they feel will benefit them further which they can act on that causes malevolence, then they will potentially be a greater cost to the system than a benefit; a burden the country could do without.
Western propaganda works because of perceived material benefits of going along with it and the costs of going against it exceed the benefits in a capitalist world; not because it injects ideas into human beings scifi/horror-movie-style like a poltergiest taking over them against their will.
Good answer, comrade 🫡
It is always important to remember to think current situations in a materialistic way, and not fall for the idealistic lie that propaganda alone is able to “brainwash” or “control” people.
Thank you - dialectical materialism really helps in understanding the science of the political economy and the articles on redsails.org really helps accelerate this understanding by breaking it down; I am still learning!
I don’t really agree. US propaganda is absurdly effective and for some reason no other country has been capable of replicating it. I think the problem is socialist countries tend to be too honest. Their propaganda against western countries is often to just tell it like it is. A lot of people in the USSR doubted it and genuinely believed the USA was a utopia and the Soviet propaganda was just all lies, and so that’s why many supported Yeltsin. You see the same with China today, if you ask Chinese opinion on the USA you will be surprised that most don’t see the USA a dystopia but as a utopia. Many Chinese people have frequently told me they thought in the USA people only work four days a week and health care is free.
US propaganda is much more effective because they just make absurdly extreme lies, claiming that socialist countries are all literally hell on earth. The reason this is so effective because most reasonable people who recognize their state is probably going to lie to them for their own benefit are also afraid of becoming dogmatic in the opposite direction, and so they falsely assume that “the truth must be somewhere in the middle.” In other words, if the state says a country like the former USSR was literally hell on earth where everyone starved, the “reasonable” person isn’t just going to assume that the USSR wasn’t literally hell on earth, because they have a cognitive bias that makes them not want to come across as too dogmatic in the opposite direction, so they will instead conclude that he USSR was slightly hell on earth.
You see this tactic used all the time in liberal media. They always exaggerate things to the most ridiculous degree, like in the DPRK they publicly execute you with artillery for having the wrong haircut or feed you to dogs. This propaganda is so effective because even people who recognize this propaganda is indeed propaganda will still buy into it somewhat, and so the lie still works on them. An obvious example is the “100 million dead” claim which we all know is just a completely fabricated number, but even more “reasonable” people who recognize it is fabricated just assumes the number is less but still in the tens of millions, so they still have bought into the propagandistic framing that it even makes sense to blame socialism/communism for these kinds of deaths at all. They already buy into a framework which is biased against socialism/communism because they’ll never apply this same kind of arbitrary body count analysis to capitalism, and so they’re already successfully propagandized by assuming their is some truth to it even if they admit the 100 million number is exaggerated propaganda.
This tactic was first introduced by Adolf Hitler when had talked about what he called the “Big Lie” in Mein Kampf, explaining it as a propaganda tool the Nazis would use where they would make lies so extraordinarily exaggerated that most people assume there must be at least some truth to them, even if they don’t buy into it completely. But if you buy into it at all, you have already fallen for the lie, and so you are already successfully propagandized.
Western countries really have their propaganda down to a science and no one can compete. Chinese people do not have some sort of magical mental barrier that can block out all western propaganda, they are human beings just like all of us and are susceptible to the same kind of propaganda, and I fear it would have far more negative impact than positive to let a flood of western propaganda into China. I mean, this was already kind of attempted at a small scale in Hong Kong and we saw how that turned out.
Maybe they think healthcare is free because most full time jobs offer health insurance as a benefit, but the thing is companies will fire you the moment they find out you are sick so they don’t have to pay, and they are 100% allowed to. Exactly what happened to one guy at a job I was at, got cancer and was immediately terminated for being a liability to the company. And that’s before even getting into the shadiness of the insurance companies themselves.
china should take down the great firewall so i can hang out with cool chinese people and they can piss off chuds in online games again
Don’t see much benefit from it at this stage of things. Introducing chaos seems more beneficial to the opportunistic west, who is used to a culture of jumping on new opportunities with no long-term planning and doing con artistry to the max. Pilot programs in small doses that can be carefully planned and/or studied, sure, but some mass thing? I don’t see it. China has gotten where it is by being thorough, no? And it would be difficult to be thorough if people are going down any and every western net rabbit hole en masse.
I’m sure there will be a time it makes sense, but with care. Don’t think there’s any rush. And let’s not forget that one of the primary problems with the western internet is how tightly controlled it is by western rightist platforms and their algorithms. Like with western media more generally, it puts on a face of supporting “independent journalism” and “free speech”, but in practice, you end up in niche places like here to have any peace if you go against the grain too hard.
American online right wing propaganda is way too strong, to a point where its just a self-sustaining plague on the internet. The way it turns apolitical people into right wing nut jobs is quite scary. I would bet most people in China are apolitical and that would be ripe picking for the propaganda.
I am aware of a Chinese guy who genuinely believed in soy boy crap and cut tofu and soy sauce from his diet. Yes that’s how deeply it cuts
Yeah so many get suckered in by people like Joe Rogan/Jordan Peterson/Asmengold/Tim Pool etc. All of them of have this certain playbook of intentionally hiding their power level and slowly nudging apolitical people towards the dark side.
I don’t think that’s actually what happened.
I think people like Joe Rogan et al are, themselves, slowly nudged towards the far right by their sponsors and endorsements and partnerships and guest appearances etc etc. Those idiots didn’t play some kind of long con to trick normal people into becoming rightists, they themselves changed and dragged their audiences with them. They don’t have a playbook, they’re being played.
Joe Rogan is the ultimate example of social being determining your conscious. As he got richer and more popular he became more right wing.
I also agree and don’t think it was a deliberate long con by any of them (well maybe Tim Pool?). They are all just products of their environments. The right also understands how important it is to control the cultural hegemony. Theyre not just talking to people about politics, but all sorts of different niches.
Both are probably true tbh. It’s clear those people were artificially propped up and put into the spotlight by sponsors behind the scenes. On the other hand, all of them made/make numerous efforts to downplay themselves as “neutral” when they were already clearly entrenched onto the right and clearly knew what they were doing to at least some extent. They may be idiots but I don’t think a simple act of manipulation like that necessarily requires being a genius.
I’ve been on xiao Hong Shu. That’s exactly what happened. I was devastated.
Shanghai isn’t ready for opening the valve yet.
And of course, new wave of Mainland Chinese Wikipedians will be ready to contribute.
the firewall is not to protect the cnetizens, its to protect western netizens.
The Chinese internet spaces I’ve frequented are so staunchly anti-west(for right and wrong reasons) that anybody who’d willingly get indoctrinated would have to have already been laughed out of every mainstream social media platform. So, honestly, I think this wouldn’t be too bad of an idea, especially given that for most Chinese people the west is this vague concept that has little to no impact on their daily lives.
I don’t want to taint our comrades minds with the Neo fascist liberal ideology of the West! Although it would be quite funny to see the interactions like what happened on red note earlier this year. where only the most hardened westoid would have any hatred left in their heart for them.
I wouldn’t be so sure of that. I’ve talked with some netizens that argue Ayn Rand style talking points and it’s a little annoying