For example, people on Reddit asking redundant questions and give equally redundant or unhelpful answers.

Whenever every ‘What’s the worst show you’ve seen?’ is asked, you’ll get 10,000 “Kardashians” answers, which is just easy karma farming.

If someone posts in a community that’s geared for something like opinions, but someone elects to just go on a full scale rant instead.

    2 years ago

    Well, I did say needlessly hostile. I definitely didn’t mean that you should treat actually vile people with velvet gloves.

    I’m talking more about the overall culture on Reddit where you’d have someone making some innocuous mistake and getting torn into it for it.

    Although, yeah, that does also extend to general disagreements that tend to take on raised hairs where it really isn’t warranted. Like, just of the top of my head, what happens whenever someone discusses the viability of nuclear power.