Inspired by a recent thread. I’ve seen a bunch of people advocating for no shampoo lately, and I want to get to the bottom of this.

Anti-shampoo people, show yourselves, I want answers. Should we all stop doing shampoo? Is it a thing for everyone or only certain hair types? Is it superior to good shampoo + good conditioner? Do you need to do literally anything with it if you’re doing no shampoo or just let it go wild? This whole thing flies in the face of everything I think I know about hair and I want ANSWERS dammit 😤

  • RandyLahey [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I read once from anti-shampoo types on r*ddit or somewhere that the shampoo strips natural oils from your hair, and if you stop your hair will be real fucking greasy for a couple of weeks but then it will balance back out and be better, but that sounds like a whole load of bullshit to me and I’m not gonna spend a fortnight with gross greasy hair to find out